
This is the code from my ECE-558, Digital Imaging Systems, Final Project. Here I have implemented Blob Detection for images using Laplacian of Gaussian by creating a Laplacian Scale space via varying image size which helped increase the speed. After that I have performed Harris’ Non-Max Suppression and encircled the Blobs.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This is the code from my ECE-558, Digital Imaging Systems, Final Project. Here I have implemented Blob Detection for images using Laplacian of Gaussian by creating a Laplacian Scale space via varying image size which helped increase the speed, Performed Harris’ Non-Max Suppression and encircled the Blobs. To undersatand the working of the project in more depth read Arsingh3_Project04_Report.pdf. To run the project open the Arsingh3_project04_code folder and run the main_function.m file.