i was born in kuwait. I have a passion for coding and editing alike and i also have a blck belt in karate
Pinned Repositories
this is the repo for datathon 2.0 hackathon
this project tackles the process of fine tuning an LLM (Llama model) on specific dataset that consists of text files whith text in random patterns. The goal of training the LLM is to extract useful information from those random patterns, allowing for efficient extraction and utilisation of raw and unstructured data.
this is the college project done by Abhishek Bade and Aaryan Kakade which shows which areas in maharashtra have gone through different sets of disasters and allows us to understand the areas prone to these disasters to help the authorities to predict and focus their resources
this project is based in python and uses MongoDB to store data. It uses ML to predict the Insurance Cost and allows data manipulation
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AbhishekBade1310's Repositories
this is the repo for datathon 2.0 hackathon
this project tackles the process of fine tuning an LLM (Llama model) on specific dataset that consists of text files whith text in random patterns. The goal of training the LLM is to extract useful information from those random patterns, allowing for efficient extraction and utilisation of raw and unstructured data.
this is the college project done by Abhishek Bade and Aaryan Kakade which shows which areas in maharashtra have gone through different sets of disasters and allows us to understand the areas prone to these disasters to help the authorities to predict and focus their resources
this project is based in python and uses MongoDB to store data. It uses ML to predict the Insurance Cost and allows data manipulation