Movie and Actor Recommendation Project

This project is a Movie and Actor Recommendation system that utilizes content-based filtering algorithms for movie recommendations. It features a React UI that displays a list of movies, allowing users to make personalized movie recommendations based on their preferences.

Additionally, the project includes an actor face prediction component where a machine learning model predicts the face of an actor from an uploaded image. This functionality is powered by Haar cascades from OpenCV.

To enhance accessibility, an API for the actor prediction part of the project was developed and hosted on the Rapid API platform. The API provides predictions for actors from their images and has garnered an average rating of 9.

Technologies Used

  • React.js
  • Machine Learning algorithms (content-based filtering - cosine similarity)
  • OpenCV
  • Haar cascades

  • Demo Link :
    Actor API hosted link :
    Feel free to explore the project and contribute to its development! 🎬👨‍🎤