
Project that implements a voice assistant with ChatGPT and Bing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CENG4480 Final Project - Voice Based AI Assistant with ChatGPT on Raspberry Pi

This project is an implementation of a voice-based AI assistant using OpenAI's ChatGPT and Bing on a Raspberry Pi. The assistant listens for the wake word "Hey Ras Pi" and then processes the user's query, providing an appropriate response. The project demonstrates how to integrate multiple language models and APIs to create a more robust and context-aware AI assistant.


  • Wake word detection using Porcupine
  • Speech recognition with Google Speech Recognition
  • AI-based chat using ChatGPT and unoffical Bing APIs
  • Multilingual support for English, Mandarin, and Cantonese
  • Text-to-Speech using Google Text-to-Speech (gTTS)
  • Context-Aware interactions for both ChatGPT and Bing based on conversation history
  • Time-sensitive question filtering using custom NLP function


  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Voice-Based-AI-Assistant-with-ChatGPT-on-Raspberry-Pi.git
cd Voice-Based-AI-Assistant-with-ChatGPT-on-Raspberry-Pi
  1. Update and install your Raspberry Pi packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
chmod +x install_dependencies.sh
  1. Set up a virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv env
#on Pi
source env/bin/activate
#on Windows
  1. Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm


Before running the project, you need to create a config.py file in the src directory with your API keys. Use the provided config_example.py as a template and fill in the necessary information.

Openai API

Refer to https://platform.openai.com/examples

PicoVoice Access Key

Get your PicoVoice access key from the PicoVoice Console. Add the access key to the config.py file.

Bing API

This project uses an unofficial BING API from EdgeGPT. To generate a cookies.json file for use with the BING API, follow the instructions in the EdgeGPT repository.
Once you have your config.py and cookies.json files ready, you can proceed with running the project.

Audio setup

Refer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEMzN5RgXbw&ab_channel=AssemblyAI


  1. Run the main script:
python main.py
  1. The assistant will listen for the wake word "Hey Ras Pi". Once detected, it will prompt you to speak your query.

  2. The assistant will process your query using ChatGPT and Bing APIs and provide an appropriate response.

Directory Structure

├── ./.gitignore
├── ./README.md
├── ./cookies.json
├── ./env
├── ./install_dependencies.sh
├── ./main.py
├── ./models
│   ├── ./models/Hey-Ras-Pi_en_raspberry-pi_v2_1_0.ppn
│   ├── ./models/Hey-Ras-Pi_en_raspberry-pi_v2_1_0.zip
│   └── ./models/alexa_windows.ppn
├── ./output.mp3
├── ./requirements.txt
└── ./src
    ├── ./src/bing.py
    ├── ./src/config.py
    ├── ./src/config_example.py
    ├── ./src/gpt.py
    ├── ./src/nlp.py
    ├── ./src/speech_to_text.py
    ├── ./src/text_to_speech.py
    ├── ./src/translator.py
    └── ./src/wake_up_detect.py
└── ./wake_up_sound.wav

Sample Output
