
Collection of Arduino IDE Themes Created By Community

Arduino Themes

A collection of themes for the Arduino IDE. Installation is full manual. Read this https://thecustomizewindows.com/2017/10/change-theme-font-syntax-highlighting-arduino-ide/

Monkai :


DarkIce :


DarkArduino :


Update :

Also look at :

  1. Dracula : https://draculatheme.com/arduino-ide and https://github.com/dracula/arduino-ide
  2. Dark theme : https://github.com/taunoe/arduino-dark-theme


  • Back up your current theme by rename the folder {Arduino IDE installation folder}/lib/theme to theme.original or any other convenient name.Mac users should look in ~/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/lib and Windows users should look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\lib.
  • PREFERENCES.TXT : On Windows, located here: %AppData%\Roaming\Arduino, on Mac located here: ~/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/lib
  • Download the desired theme from the download link on the list above.
  • Copy the theme folder from the downloaded file to {Arduino IDE installation folder}/lib.
  • Restart the Arduino IDE if it's running.


I have not created the themes. I only collected them for personal usage. Most are from Arduino Forum, few are from Github. The theme directories are named with AuthorName--ThemeName convention.