
jQuery 1.12.4, PHP 7, Bootstrap, DataTables,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

In one of my previous jobs, we used an online form-making commercial program that had a lot of redundant features, just didn’t know exactly what we needed, so no one liked it. Nevertheless, the management still bought the latest version and we had to use it.

To show that we are also able to create an application with similar features that are important to us, I created an application that works on the principle of drag-and-drop. The application was built in .NET framework, but I supplemented the C # base codes with extras provided by jQuery. In order to run on this server and try it out, I also developed a PHP version.

The aim of the project was not to create a flawless application, only to present the possibilities, so further improvements are needed for its perfect operation, but since there was no need for it, it remained in this state.

Demo link:


The source code of the project is available at the following links:

