
Taxi Demand prediction using text processing for different zones in brooklyn, New York.

Primary LanguagePython

Multimodal Location-aware Taxi Demand Prediction

A Short video of the project is present on the below link https://youtu.be/zE3hiu3pPFc

You can share this video with other students and the report is on this github and is named as Multimodal_Taxi_Demand_Prediction.pdf

Project Requirements


Location-aware LSTM (lags + event info)

mae rmse
97 11.645 14.6072
25 10.0594 12.5433
181 11.8526 15.0872
189 1.67727 2.26616

Location-aware MLP (lags + event info)

mae rmse
97 11.7706 14.7235
25 10.1951 12.6717
181 11.9744 15.1028
189 1.69314 2.27517

LSTM Location-aware (only lags)

mae rmse
97 12.014 15.0118
25 10.2896 12.936
181 12.1111 15.4005
189 1.75808 2.30187

LSTM only lags

mae rmse
97 12.0416 15.0563
25 10.3543 12.9647
181 12.2302 15.541
189 1.75734 2.32166

Location-aware MLP model only lags

mae rmse
97 12.0378 15.025
25 10.4146 13.0308
181 12.1352 15.3548
189 1.82246 2.47262

MLP model only lags

mae rmse
97 13.8542 17.2312
25 10.8611 13.5539
181 13.1142 16.5431
189 1.8749 2.46243

Baseline model

mae rmse
97 13.0931 16.2276
25 10.3735 12.7546
181 14.158 18.1432
189 2.39364 3.30199

Data summary for pickup zone: 97

year month day hour minute weekday pickup_no
count 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208
mean 2017.33 5.52564 15.6813 11.5 0.5 4 19.3771
std 0.470762 3.30677 8.77644 6.92232 0.50001 2.00004 15.3033
min 2017 1 1 0 0 1 0
25% 2017 3 8 5.75 0 2 6
50% 2017 5 16 11.5 0.5 4 17
75% 2018 8 23 17.25 1 6 29
max 2018 12 31 23 1 7 105

Data summary for pickup zone: 25

year month day hour minute weekday pickup_no
count 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208
mean 2017.33 5.52564 15.6813 11.5 0.5 4 16.0918
std 0.470762 3.30677 8.77644 6.92232 0.50001 2.00004 12.1896
min 2017 1 1 0 0 1 0
25% 2017 3 8 5.75 0 2 6
50% 2017 5 16 11.5 0.5 4 14
75% 2018 8 23 17.25 1 6 24
max 2018 12 31 23 1 7 87

Data summary for pickup zone: 181

year month day hour minute weekday pickup_no
count 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208
mean 2017.33 5.52564 15.6813 11.5 0.5 4 20.2954
std 0.470762 3.30677 8.77644 6.92232 0.50001 2.00004 16.9635
min 2017 1 1 0 0 1 0
25% 2017 3 8 5.75 0 2 7
50% 2017 5 16 11.5 0.5 4 17
75% 2018 8 23 17.25 1 6 29
max 2018 12 31 23 1 7 154

Data summary for pickup zone: 189

year month day hour minute weekday pickup_no
count 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208 26208
mean 2017.33 5.52564 15.6813 11.5 0.5 4 2.73077
std 0.470762 3.30677 8.77644 6.92232 0.50001 2.00004 3.03585
min 2017 1 1 0 0 1 0
25% 2017 3 8 5.75 0 2 1
50% 2017 5 16 11.5 0.5 4 2
75% 2018 8 23 17.25 1 6 4
max 2018 12 31 23 1 7 40