
Repo for Vibhi Hime - The official mascot of Weebee Con 2020 - Indias first Online Anime Con

Primary LanguagePython


Vibhi Hime, a fun featur rich Anime themed discord bot. developed by : weeblet~kun#1193

Command List

    • ban
    • unban
    • kick
    • clear
    • bite, dance, kill, run, laugh, cry, punch, nosebleed, clap and many more
  • FUN
    • pun sends puns
    • joke sends jokes
    • meme sends memes
    • gif gif search
    • ask ask yes or no questions
    • reddit shows a random post from a specified subreddit
    • anime
    • animegif
    • rps play rock paper scissors
    • toss coin toss
    • roll roll a dice
    • play plays a song
    • pause pauses a song
    • resume resumes the song
    • stop stops playing music
    • loop loops the currently playing song
    • join makes Vibhi join a Voice Channel
    • now shows currently playing song
    • queue shoes the song queue
    • skip skips a song
    • wiki search the wikipedia
    • img google image search
  • MISC
    • prefix set custom prefixes
    • afk set afk with custom messages
    • say make the bot say something
    • avatar view the avatar of a user
    • stats view the status of the bot (guild count,latency)

Have some suggestions for Vibhi Chan ?

join our server and drop your suggestion and feedbacks