- This is the challenge organised by Hacker earth.
- Handle data to pre-process and generate relevant features and insights for modeling.
- Knowledge of machine learning/statistics.
- Identifying the right technique to approach the solution.
- Different techniques to improve the accuracy.
- 65 hours
- 223 out of 4743 participants
- Python
- Mekktronix_Sales_Forecasting Notebook - Contains the implementation of different algorithms that were applied on the preprocessed data.
- Arima algorithm - Contains the implementation of Arima on the preprocessed data.
- Presenattion - Contains the approach towards the problem and the details of the challenge.
- Approach Rmd file - Approach file(Rmd version of Presentation).
- SMAPE file - This file contains the SMAPE score on train data for different algorithms.
- Predicted file - This csv file contains the predictions that were predicted on test file.(The values are achieved using xgboost algorithm)