
Step 1: Setup snowflake environment

Step 2: configure dbt_profile.yaml

Step 3: Create source and staging files

Create models/staging/tpch_sources.yml

Create staging models models/staging/stg_tpch_orders.sql

Create models/staging/tpch/stg_tpch_line_items.sql

Step 4: Macros (Don’t repeat yourself or D.R.Y.)

Create macros/pricing.sql

Step 5: Transform models (fact tables, data marts)

Create Intermediate table models/marts/int_order_items.sql

Create marts/int_order_items_summary.sql to aggregate info

create fact model models/marts/fct_orders.sql

Step 6: Generic and Singular tests

Create models/marts/generic_tests.yml

Build Singular Tests tests/fct_orders_discount.sql

Create tests/fct_orders_date_valid.sql

Step 7: Deploy on Airflow

Update Dockerfil

RUN python -m venv dbt_venv && source dbt_venv/bin/activate && \
    pip install --no-cache-dir dbt-snowflake && deactivate

Update requirements.txt


Add snowflake_conn in UI

{ "account": "<account_locator>-<account_name>", "warehouse": "dbt_wh", "database": "dbt_db", "role": "dbt_role", "insecure_mode": false }

Create dbt_dag.py