Zdownloader is a lightweight download manager running from command line.
Zdownloader was written in C++ and supports downloading files by HTTPS from services such as:
- ZippyShare,
- Google Drive,
- MegaUp(megaup.net).
- Can download multiple files at a time.
- Supports segmented downloading.
- It can resume interrupted downloads.
- Can check multiple links at a time.
- It can reconnect after specific time if download speed is too low.
- It can unpack archive files after download. Supports: rar, 7z and zip.
- Supports network proxies.
- Allows you to download google drive files even if the daily limit of download has exceeded using google drive REST API v3.
ldd zdownloader
- linux-vdso.so.1
- libbotan-2.so.13
- libQt5Network.so.5
- libQt5Core.so.5
- libpthread.so.0
- libstdc++.so.6
- libgcc_s.so.1
- libc.so.6
- libz.so.1
- libdl.so.2
- libm.so.6
- /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
- Linux kernel >= 3.2.0
- glibc(libc6) >= 2.25
- OpenSSL >= 1.1.0
- Qt5 >= 5.13.0
I have attached precompiled Qt libs in lib directories (license: GNU LGPL version 3, Qt source code: https://code.qt.io) - Botan >= 2.14 - needed for JWT sign in gdrive api
I have attached precompiled Botan library in lib directory (https://botan.randombit.net) - for unpack rar files: unrar >= 5.50
- for unpack 7z, zip files: 7z >= 16.02
- you probably need Visual C++ 2017 redistributables x64: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
- I have attached precompiled Qt libs in win7_8_10-x64 directory. License: GNU LGPL version 3, Qt source code: https://code.qt.io.
- I have attached precompiled OpenSSL libs in win7_8_10-x64 directory - https://www.openssl.org
- for unpack rar files: WinRar >= 5.50 - https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
- for unpack 7z, zip files: 7-zip >= 16.02 - https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
links.txt file:
- create links.txt file in zdownloader directory,
- you can add URLs to links.txt file: one line -> one URL,
- at the beginning zdownloader checks and sorts the links,
- checked and sorted links are saved to download_list.txt file,
- you can add '--' chars to append links as one group,
- you can add encoded links,
- you can put line comments - just add hash(#) character before comment.
# this is comment
https://megaup.net/3Pwaa/something.rar #comment: example link
- download_list.txt file is created after links checks,
- download list has format:
file_name URL group_id
Three fields separated by tab character.
Group_id contains group number - is used for unpack archives.
- You can edit(eg. change order) download_list.txt when zdownloader is not running,
- If remote file does not exists then zdownloader skips that file.
- contains timestamp, download status, file name and URL,
- download_status can be:
F (download finished with success),
X (skipped download, file already exists on disk),
R (skipped download, remote file does not exists)
- Zdownloader can download google drive files even if the daily limit of download has excedeed. For that zdownloader can use google drive REST API v3.
- Before you start see how to enable and create service account: LINK
- By default gdrive api(from google service account) do not have access to your main files in your google drive. But share same free space.
- At first step zdownloader list all files on gdrive.
- Next zdownloader deletes all found files.
- Copy one file to your gdrive and download.
When using gdrive api you can download one gdrive file at a time(but you can use many segments and other services like zippyshare).
Default value for unrar_binary setting:
- Linux:
, Windows:C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRar.exe
Default value for 7z_binary setting:
- Linux:
, Windows:C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe
Executing parameters:
- rar:
unrar x -parchive_pwd -ai -y -c- -o+ archive_filename archive_dir/
- 7z:
7z x -parchive_pwd -aoa -y -oarchive_dir/ archive_filename
is file name without extension.
While the unpack is running, unpack_queue.txt
file is created in the current directory.
You can run zdownloader by
from zdownloader directory.
To stop zdownloader press Ctrl-C or send SIGINT or SIGTERM signal.
; UTF-8 encoding
; download_directory
; if directory contains spaces then enclose it in quotation marks
; set empty or '.' for current directory
; on Windows use slash or double backslash as dir separators
user_agent_for_https_connections="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0"
; shutdown_system_on_finish
; uses 'sudo shutdown --no-wall -P +2' command on Linux or 'shutdown /s /t 120' command on Windows
; max_seconds_before_reset_inactive_connection
; integer value
; download_lists_directory
; program will read file 'download_list.txt' from download_lists_directory
; program will save file 'finished_downloads_*.txt' in download_lists_directory
; links_file_directory
; program will read file 'links.txt' from links_file_directory
; max_seconds_before_check_link_again_on_error
; integer value
; min_segment_size_mb
; integer value. Do not change min_segment_size_mb when you have unfinished downloads
; segment_network_read_buffer_kb
; integer value. Download read buffer(in RAM) size per one segment in KBytes.
; Appication will try to stop reading from the network once this buffer is full, thus causing the download to throttle down as well.
; This can happen when your system is not capable to download with full speed.
; segment_file_write_buffer_kb
; integer value. File write buffer(in RAM) size for one segment in KBytes.
; min_seconds_before_next_download, max_seconds_before_next_download, next_download_increase_step_msecs
; next_download_increase_reset_after_seconds
; integer values. Applies to per file download (not per segment)
; next_download_increase_reset_after_seconds
; integer value. Resets next file download delay to 0 seconds after X seconds
; progress_check_interval_seconds
; integer value. Show 'Progress:...' message every X seconds
; speed_check_interval_seconds
; integer value. Show actual speed and average speed every X seconds
; user_reconnect_interval_minutes
; integer value. Reconnects all connections every X minutes if avg speed is less than min_avg_speed_before_reconnect_mbps
; min_avg_speed_before_reconnect_mbps
; integer value
; log_to_file_enabled
; enable or disable applog_*.log files. Applog contains all output messsages.
; timestamp_format
; format details: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.13/qdatetime.html#toString
; log_max_rotate_kb
; integer value in KBytes
; log_to_file_enabled
; enable or disable log finished items to finished_downloads_*.txt files.
; timestamp_format
; format details: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-5.13/qdatetime.html#toString
; log_max_rotate_kb
; integer value in KBytes
; unpack_after_download
; enable/disable unpack archive files after download all item in group
; pause_download_before_unpack
; delete_archive_files_after_unpack
; true - remove archive files after successful unpack
; unrar_binary
; path to unrar/rar binary, eg. "/usr/bin/unrar". Leave empty for default value.
; 7z_binary
; path to 7zip binary, eg. "/usr/bin/7z". Leave empty for default value.
; set passwords for unpack - update size if you add/remove password
; you can set passwords here even if archive file is not locked by password
; enable_network_proxy
; set true if you want forward all network activity through proxy server
; proxy_type
; available values: socks5 or http. Note: http proxy must support SSL.
; hostname
; you can set either IP address or hostname
; port
; integer value
; username/password authentication
; use_gdrive_api
; set use_gdrive_api=true to bypass gdrive download limit
; requirements: google account, enabled gdrive api, google service account
; google_service_account_json_file
; path to json file with google service account credentials,
; most important fields in json file: client_email and private_key
Zdownloader can power off system on download finish. For that zdownloader uses
- for Linux:
sudo shutdown --no-wall -P +2
command which should execute without any passwords, - for Windows:
shutdown /s /t 120
Zdownloader can save everything from standard output to rotated log files:
applog_1.log ...