
When using the Imagenet Dataset for training/evaluating your models there is quit a bit of confusion involved as there are different directory structures of the dataset in diff version which makes loading the dataset a bit difficult.

Also, different classes have their images in different folders with names which have no apparent relation to their label number in the 1000 classes that the dataset has.

I wrote a custom dataset class for PyTorch which simplifies this process for some of few.

There are two variants of Imagenet with directory structure as follows

  • train and val both folders have images in subfolders. (Type 1)
  • train has images in subfolders while val has all the images present as is without any subfolders. (Type 2)

Sample Usage Type 1

from ImageNet import ImageNet
dataset = ImageNet(data_dir,transforms)

Sample Usage Type 2

from ImageNet import ImageNetFull
dataset = ImageNetFull(data_dir,transforms)


  • There are a few scripts available online which modify the directory structure of your dataset into a suitable one for the default Pytoch Dataloader but if run incorrectly it can ruin your entire dataset and the Full ImageNet dataset being 165gb is a pain to redownload or even extract.
  • The labels returned by this implementation are the actual classification labels and hence no additional code is required while calculating the loss and accuracy in the training loop.