
Solving important Amazon questions from InterviewBit list of Amazon Questions.


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Solving important Amazon questions from InterviewBit list of Amazon Questions.

{% embed url="https://www.interviewbit.com/search/?q=Amazon" %} List of Questions {% endembed %}


  1. Five questions every day. Anyhow.

Progress and Calendar

1st June

  • Rotate Matrix
  • Max Sum Contiguous Sub array
  • Find Duplicate in Array
  • Merge Intervals
  • Spiral Order Matrix I

2nd June

  • Repeat and Missing Number Array
  • Merge Overlapping Intervals
  • Set Matrix Zeros
  • Spiral Order Matrix II
  • Largest Number

3rd June

  • Find Missing Integer
  • Pascal Triangle
  • Max Distance
  • Next Permutation
  • Wave Array

4th June

  • Min Steps in Infinite Grid
  • Flip
  • Find Permutation
  • Maximum Absolute Difference
  • Maximum Unsorted Subarray

5th June

  • Reorder Data in Log Files
  • Make Equal Array
  • Excel Column Number
  • Excel Column Title
  • Grid Unique Paths

6th June

  • Power of Two Integers
  • Next Similar Number
  • k-th Permutation
  • Median of Array
  • Square Root of Integer

7th June

  • Rotated Sorted Array search
  • Matrix Median
  • Capacity To ship packages within B Days
  • Implement `StrStr`
  • Integer To Roman

8th June

  • Roman To Integer
  • Length of the Last word
  • Atoi
  • Valid IP Addresses
  • Compare Version Numbers

9th June

  • Longest Palindromic SUbstring
  • Count And Say
  • Reverse the String
  • Power of 2
  • Minimum Characters Required to Make a String Palindromic

10th June

  • Convert to Palindrome
  • Bulls and Cows
  • Reverse Bits
  • Single Number
  • Divide Integers

11th June

  • Single Number II
  • Count Total Set Bits
  • Palindromic Binary Representation
  • Merge Two Sorted Lists II
  • 3 Sum

12th June

  • Remove Duplicates from sorted Array
  • Container With Most Water
  • Remove Element from Array
  • Max Continuous Series of 1s
  • Pair With Given Difference

13th June

  • Maximum Ones After Modification
  • Swap List Nodes in Pairs
  • Rotate List
  • Reorder List
  • Merge Two Sorted Lists

14th June

  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  • Add Two Numbers as Lists
  • Remove Nth Node from List End
  • List Cycle
  • Intersection of Linked List

15th June

  • Reverse Linked List II
  • Palindrome List
  • K reverse Linked List
  • Reverse Alternate K Nodes
  • Kth Node from Middle

16th June

  • Sort Binary Linked List
  • Even Reverse
  • Rain Water Trapping
  • Generate all Parenthesis
  • Largest Rectangle in Histogram

17th June

  • Sliding Window Maximum
  • Min Stack
  • Redundant Braces
  • Nearest Smaller Element
  • First non-repeating character in a stream of characters

18th June

  • Balanced Parenthesis
  • Kth Permutation Sequence
  • Combination Sum
  • Combination Sum II
  • NQueens
  • Combinations

19th June

  • Subsets II
  • Subset
  • Palindrome Partitioning
  • 4 Sum
  • Anagram

20th June

  • Fraction
  • Points on the Straight Line
  • 2 Sum
  • Valid Sudoku
  • Copy List

21st June

  • Longest Substring without Repeat
  • Inorder Traversal
  • Recover Binary Search Tree
  • Inorder Traversal of Cartesian Tree
  • Least Common Ancestor

22nd June

  • Construct Binary Tree From Inorder And Preorder
  • Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
  • Valid Binary Search Tree
  • Preorder Traversal
  • Binary Tree From Inorder And Postorder

23rd June

  • Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
  • Valid Binary Search Tree
  • Preorder Traversal
  • Binary Tree From Inorder And Postorder
  • Balanced Binary Tree

24th June

  • Sorted Array To Balanced BST
  • Symmetric Binary Tree
  • Postorder Traversal
  • Populate Next Right Pionters Tree
  • Identical Binary Tree

25th June

  • BST Iterator
  • ZigZag Level Order Traversal BT
  • Path Sum
  • Next Pointer Binary Tree
  • Min Depth of Binary Tree

26th June

  • Root to Leaf Paths With Sum
  • Kth Smallest Element
  • 2-Sum Binary Tree
  • Vertical Order traversal of Binary Tree
  • Diagonal Traversal

27th June

  • Cousins in Binary Tree
  • Path to Given Node
  • Remove Half Nodes
  • Merge Two Bianary Tree
  • Maximum Edge Removal

28th June

  • Burn a Tree
  • Nodes at Distance K
  • Vertical Sum of Binary Tree
  • Covered Uncovered Nodes
  • Clone Graph

29th June

  • Word Search Board
  • Stepping Numbers
  • Black Shapes
  • Knight On Chess Board
  • smallest Multiple with 0 and 1

30th June

  • Commutable Islands
  • Possibility of finishing all courses given prerequisites
  • Valid Path
  • Cycle in Directed Graph
  • Majority Element

1st June

  • Gas Station
  • Distribute Candy
  • Highest Product
  • Assign Mice to Holes
  • Meeting rooms

2nd June

  • LRU Cache
  • Inversions
  • Distinct Numbers in window
  • Maximum Sum Combinations
  • K Largest Elements