
Rock-Paper-Scissors with Hand Gesture Detection is a JavaScript game using TensorFlow. Play by making gestures with your webcam. Train custom models and contribute to enhance the interactive gaming experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How it Works

The game utilizes TensorFlow for hand gesture detection. You can train your own models and update them in the models directory to experiment with different hand gesture recognition models.

To train your own models, refer to the training directory for sample datasets and scripts. Feel free to build upon the existing models or create new ones tailored to your needs. [https://www.tensorflow.org/]


We welcome contributions to enhance this project! Whether you want to add new features, improve existing ones, or fix bugs, your help is appreciated. Please follow our contribution guidelines to get started.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to the TensorFlow team for providing an excellent framework for machine learning and gesture recognition.

Have fun playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with hand gestures! 🤘✋✌️