
Sovlving some challenges


Open the file ch1.pcap (donwloaded on the website) in Wireshark.

Hit on button Analyser (on the top).

Then, Hit on the button Follow.

Then click on TCP flux

The password is on the line where there is pass : *******


Open the file ch2.pcap (downloaded on the website) in Wireshark. Hit on button Analyser (on the top).

Then, Hit on the button Follow.

Then click on TCP flux

The password is on the line where there is Password : *******

Twitter Authentification

Open the file ch4.pcap (downloaded on the website) in Wireshark.

Hit the button Analyser (on the top).

Then, Hit on the button Follow.

Then click on TCP flux

GET /statuses/replies.xml HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CFNetwork/330
Cookie: _twitter_sess=BAh7CDoJdXNlcjA6B2lkIiVmZGQ2ODc5MTMwMWFhOTFiMWExZDViZmQwMGEz%250AOWNkMyIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNo%250ASGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7AA%253D%253D--ea12e7bc090d05202cd7e3f972c2b4414a97f657
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Basic dXNlcnRlc3Q6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Connection: keep-alive

decode the base64 data on line that have Authorization : dXNlcnRlc3Q6cGFzc3dvcmQ= on RapidTable

Then you got the decoded password after usertest:*****


Get to HexDecode and paste the Hexadecimal data from file ch3.txt (downloaded on the site) Then decode it.

We got this :

��s ��ài�ØZ��Ý`������@&�S��`*¼����ºÞÀÞ �AÐ��B3���������t�P¼ê}¸�Á×����áÏ �����
>i¹�¡~ÓGET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic Y29uZmk6ZGVudGlhbA==
User-Agent: InsaneBrowser
Accept: */*

There is base64 data on the line Authorization: Basic ....., because it has alphanumeric characters

Copy the base64 data from the line where there is Authorisation : Y29uZmk6ZGVudGlhbA== and decode it on RapidTable

Then, we get the password


Open the file ch18.bin (downloaded on the website) in Wireshark.

Hit the button Wireless (on the top).

The click on the button Bluetooth devices.

concatenate the Mac address and the name : 0C:B3:19:B9:4F:C6GT-S7390G.

Then, hash it to SHA1 encoding on SHA1 and you get the password.

SSL - échange HTTP

open file ch5.pcap from the challenge in Wireshark.

Then with the hint : "google is your friend : inurl:server.pem...", let's get search in google and we may get first to this bad url; but we need is on This one.

the content file is like this.

Then, save the RSA private key part in a new file like rsa.pem for example.

After, go to Wireshark preference and add the rsa.pem to rsa key

then click on ANALYSER button and follow the flux tls.

You get the password