
A merchandise site for the band Lead Shot Hazard, built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Python, Jinja, and Django. Created for my Milestone 4 project of Code Institute's Diploma in Fullstack Software Development.

Primary LanguageHTML

Lead Shot Hazard

GitHub contributors GitHub last commit GitHub language count Font Awesome version Travis CI Build Testing coverage GitHub forks

Here is a link to the final project

This site is a merchandise and music e-commerce site for the band Lead Shot Hazard, a ska punk band from West London. This site is fully responsive on all modern screen sizes, and it allows the band to easily add, edit or delete the merchandise and music that they have to sell.

This site was built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Django, and it uses a SQL database through PostgreSQL.

Final project mockup screenshot from Am I Responsive


Icon key

🔐 <-- Superuser only access

👤 <-- Logged In Only

🚫 <-- Logged Out only

✅ <-- Yes / Visible

❌ <-- No / Not visible

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User Experience

Initial Discussion

  • I wanted to create a website linked to a database, which allows users to log in, search for, and find merchandise and music.
  • This is something that Lead Shot Hazard has been discussing for a while, but hasn't had time to create until now.
  • I wanted the band to be able to add, edit and delete items of merchandise and music for sale.

User Stories

User Story Id As a / an... I should be able to... So that I can...
A1 Band member Sell merchandise and music Have an online form of income
A2 Band member Match the design and personality of the band with that of the site Easily show fans that this site is linked to the band
A3 Band member Offer a website that is easy to navigate and free of confusion Avoid the stress of fans needing more assistance than necessary
A4 Band member Have another source of revenue for the band Spend more time making music
A5 Band member Have a platform where fans can follow the future gigs of the band Ensure our fans know when and where our upcoming gigs are
Viewing & Navigation
B1 Shopper Easily navigate the site Have a good user experience
B2 Shopper View all products Choose some to buy
B3 Shopper Search for a specific product and its information Find the item that I want
B4 Shopper View a specific type of product Quickly find items I'm interested in
B5 Shopper View full product information See the details of a specific product including price, description, image, and sizes
B6 Shopper Easily see my bag total Stick to a budget
B7 Shopper Get visual feedback when an action on the site is completed Easily see when an action has been completed
B9 Shopper Contact the band through the website Ask questions
Registration & User Accounts
C1 Site User Create an account for future purchases View my order history or checkout quicker
C2 Site User Log In Access my account
C3 Site User Log Out Keep my account private on a shared device
C4 Site User Get an email confirmation after registering Verify my registration was successful
C5 Site User See a history of my previous purchases Check what I have bought before
C6 Site User Create, update or delete my personal information Always have up-to-date personal information
Sorting & Searching
D1 Shopper Sort the available products Sort alphabetically or by price
D2 Shopper Sort a category of products Sort relevant products alphabetically or by price
D3 Shopper Search for a specific product by name or description Quickly find items I'm interested in
D4 Shopper View a specific type of product Quickly find items I'm interested in
D5 Shopper Easily see what I've searched, and the total number of results Decide whether the product I'm looking for is available
Purchasing & Checkout
E1 Shopper Buy products online as a guest Checkout without having to create an account
E2 Shopper Easily add, update the quantity, or delete products in my bag Adjust my purchase to fit my budget or personal choice
E5 Shopper Receive an update of the shopping bag when I perform an action Be aware of the status of my shopping bag
E4 Shopper View details about items in my bag Decide if I want to purchase an item
E4 Shopper Revisit my shopping bag after logging out and in Continue my purchase
E6 Shopper Purchase products securely on the site Be confident that my card and personal details are safe
E2 Shopper Receive a confirmation email with information of my order View my order details
Product Management
F1 Site Owner Edit any product Update details of products
F2 Site Owner Delete any product Remove old products from the site
F3 Site Owner Add a new product Add new products to the site
Authentication & Security
G1 Site User Verify my email address Ensure my account is set up securely
G2 Site User Be confident that my password is stored securely Feel safe from malicious activity
G3 Site Owner Be confident of the security of the restricted pages Feel safe from malicious activity

Project Goals

  • The main goal is to create an easily editable merchandise site for Lead Shot Hazard, so it takes very little time to keep up to date with their constantly changing merchandise and music selection.
  • This project also demonstrates my understanding of maintaining a database attached to a website, with full CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) functionality, using a PostgreSQL database, and Amazon Web Services.

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Color Scheme

  • The main colors used in this site are black, white, and yellow.
  • These main colors are the colors in the band's logo, and they permeate through the site.
  • These colors were used by the band to signify the ray of hope for a society that needs help, which is a popular ideology in the punk scene, and links with the band's song lyrics.
  • A slightly dark red has been used for all Delete buttons, to signify that this is a destructive action.
  • Two grey colors have been used for tags on the site, one slightly darker than the other to maintain AAA color contrast compliance.
  • Different colors have also been used on the hover state of the social media icons on the Contact Us page.
  • The social media icon colors have been taken directly from each external website's logo, to reference where the link would take them.

Color scheme


  • For the font, I decided to stick with the standard HTML font family. As they're sans-serif fonts, they are easy to read for dyslexic and partially visually impaired users.
  • As the standard HTML font size is 16px, I kept it at that, ensuring to not have any fonts smaller than that, to aid visually impaired users.
  • Also, the recommended smallest font size for accessible websites is 12px, so by keeping all font sizes at the HTML standard of 16px or above, I ensured to be fully compliant with the Penn State University Accessibility and Usability Guidelines.
  • Font sizes are also able to be zoomed to 200% without losing contrast or functionality, to comply with the WCAG Guidelines on fonts.
  • A lot of the text on the website, including all headers and buttons, has been transformed to uppercase, to link with the strong and bold feel of the site.
  • This also connects the site to the band's logos, which all use uppercase text.
  • Lowercase text has been used in some places to avoid the site feeling aggressive.

An example of the font used


  • The images used in this project are all photos of the band Lead Shot Hazard, their merchandise, or their logo.
  • These have been used to create a strong link between the band and the website, ensuring that all visitors can tell at first glance that this site is for Lead Shot Hazard.
  • As I am a member of Lead Shot Hazard, I own joint rights to use all images and designs that the band has created.
  • No box shadows or gradients have been used, to link with the styling of the Lead Shot Hazard graphics, which use strong, bold colors with harsh lines.
  • All links have their underlines removed for stylistic purposes. The links in the footer re-gain their underlines when they're hovered over or focused on.
  • All interactable objects have hover and focus styles applied to make it clear to the user that those objects are interactable.
  • Icons from Font Awesome have been used throughout the site to add meaning where relevant. These icons also have text either visible or in aria labels where required.
  • Button and link colors have been used to convey meaning, mainly in the use of the color red to convey 'Delete' or 'Cancel' as dangerous actions.



Create a user profile

  • This feature allows the user to:
    • Register for an account with an email address, username, and password.
    • Ensure no typos by entering the password twice, with the site checking to confirm that the passwords match.
    • Ensure no typos by entering the email twice, with the site checking to confirm that the emails match.
    • Ensure the correct email address by sending a verification email to the email address the user has supplied.
    • 👤 Store their details for faster checkout.
    • 👤 Keep a record of their full order history.

User's profile, including details update form and order history


  • This feature allows the user to:
    • View all products on the website.
    • Perform a keyword search for products by name and description.
    • Browse products by category through the main navigation bar.
    • Sort products
      • Alphabetically (A-Z)
      • Alphabetically (Z-A)
      • By price (low to high)
      • By price (high to low)
    • Click the 'Add to Bag' button for a faster shopping experience, including the ability to choose a size on products with sizes.
    • Click on a product card to view the full product details, including:
      • Name
      • Category
      • Price
      • Image
      • Description
      • Audio (if relevant)
      • Sizes (if relevant)
    • Click the back to top arrow button to return to the top of the page.

Products page with back to top button

🔐 Create, Edit and Delete products

  • This feature allows the superuser to:
    • Add a new product to the store.
    • Edit an existing product.
    • Delete an existing product.
    • Include images, either by URL or by uploading directly from the superuser's computer.
    • Include audio, by uploading directly from the superuser's computer.

Admin functionality to create and update products

Confirm to delete modal

  • This feature allows the user to:
    • 🔐 Confirm deletion of a product.
    • 🔐 Avoid accidentally deleting a product.

Confirm to delete modal

Shopping bag

  • This feature allows the user to:
    • Add products to the shopping bag.
    • Adjust the quantity of products in the shopping bag.
    • Delete products in the shopping bag.
    • View the grand total and details in the bag.
  • When a product is updated, a preview of the shopping bag is displayed in a message.
  • The grand total and shipping price are updated when any edits to the shopping bag are made.
  • Updating a product quantity to 0 in the shopping bag removes the item from the shopping bag.

A shopping bag with an item in it


  • This feature allows the user to:
    • Check out as a guest.
    • Safely and securely buy the items in their shopping bag through Stripe.
    • 👤 The shipping details will be filled from any details given in the user profile.
    • 👤 The user can select the 'Remember my details' checkbox in the checkout form to save their latest details. This is helpful when:
      • No details are currently saved in the user's profile, and the user wishes to save their details.
      • Any of the user's details have changed from what is saved in their profile.
  • The card details form is connected to Stripe, a payment platform. This ensures a fully secure payment.
  • When the user confirms checkout, an animated loading screen shows whilst the payment details are checked by Stripe.

The checkout form


  • If the payment fails:
    • The user is directed back to the checkout form.
    • The user is shown a message that the payment failed.
  • If the payment succeeds:
    • The user will be sent a confirmation email.
    • The email contains the full order details and order number.
    • The user will be redirected to the checkout success page.
    • A message will display, informing the user that the payment succeeded, containing the order details and order number.
    • 👤 The order will be added to the user's order history in their profile.

Stripe's card information form, with a validation error showing

Navigation bar

The navigation bar changes depending on user status and screen size:

Nav Link 🚫 👤 🔐
Logo (Homepage)
Product Details
Contact Us
Upcoming Gigs
Product Management
Log Out
Log In
  • Navigation bar

Overall navigation bar

  • Logged in

Logged in navigation dropdown

  • Logged out

Logged out navigation dropdown

  • An admin

Admin navigation dropdown

  • On small screen sizes

Mobile navigation burger icon Mobile navigation bar expanded

Auto-updating copyright year

  • The copyright year auto-updates to the current year.

The auto-updating copyright feature

Gigs feed

  • On the Upcoming Gigs page, the upcoming gigs will automatically update.
    • This has been connected to the Songkick API, which is updated by either the band, the venue, or the promoter each time a new gig is booked.
    • The Upcoming Gigs page will then take this data automatically and display it clearly on the page for users to see.
    • This allows users to keep up with when and where the band will be performing in the future.
    • The data has been formatted for ease of reading for the user.
    • The date data uses the calendar Python module to get the day of the week that the gig falls on, as well as displaying the date in a user-friendly way.
    • There is also a link to the Songkick webpage for each gig, which allows the user to purchase tickets for a specific gig.

A gig shown on the Upcoming Gigs page, populated from the Songkick API

Contact section

  • This feature allows the user to:
    • Contact the band via email for queries about merchandise or upcoming gigs.
    • Navigate to any of the band's social media pages.
    • It also has a customised hover feature, where when the user hovers over each link, the link becomes the main color of the site that it is linking to.

The Contact Us page, with an example of the hover effect applied

Future Features

  • Stock count for each product size, including out-of-stock sizes.
  • Add to bag button is disabled if the product is out of stock.
  • Recommended products at the bottom of the checkout page.
  • Retrieve or reset a forgotten password.
  • Social media login via Facebook.
  • Special offers.
  • Regex or number validation on phone number fields.


  • All audio is owned by the band Lead Shot Hazard.
  • As I am a member of Lead Shot Hazard, I own joint rights to use all audio that the band has created.
  • The audio that is available on the individual product details pages has been trimmed down to approximately 30 seconds, to allow the user to hear a sample of the band's music, without being able to listen to the entire song for free.

Defensive Design

  • Form validation
    • This has been used on every form input on the site to ensure the correct data is added.
    • If incorrect data is added, red warning text appears, to instruct the user on how to fix the error.
    • Image file uploads are validated by Django's ImageField, to ensure that the images that are uploaded are genuine images, and aren't malicious.
    • Audio file uploads are validated by python-magic, to ensure that the audio files that are uploaded are genuine audio files, and aren't malicious.
  • Adding products to the bag
    • Custom validation has been added to ensure that users can't:
      • Add less than one of a product into their bag (such as adding a 0 quantity of a product).
      • Add more than 50 of a product into their bag.
  • Messages when an action is completed
    • A message will appear in the top right of the screen when the following actions are completed:
      • The user adds a product to their shopping bag.
      • The user removes a product from their shopping bag.
      • The user edits the quantity of a product in their shopping bag.
      • A payment succeeds.
      • A payment fails.
      • An error occurs.
      • 👤 A user updates their profile information.
      • 🔐 A superuser adds a new product.
      • 🔐 A superuser edits a product.
      • 🔐 A superuser deletes a product.
  • Default image
    • A default image will display if there is no image added.
    • A default image will display if the image link has broken.
  • Custom error pages
    • A custom 404 error page will show if the user attempts to visit a page that doesn't exist.
    • A custom 500 error page will show if an internal server error occurs.
  • Webhooks
    • Webhooks form a notification system for every secure action on your site (most notably, payment intents).
    • Webhooks return an event object, containing all the relevant information about the action, including the type of action, and the data associated with it.
    • If the user leaves the page before the order is complete but the payment goes through, the billing details and shipping address will be sent with the payment and can be accessed via the webhooks.
  • Login validation
    • The @login_required decorator has been used to ensure that the restricted pages are secure.
    • If a logged-out user tries to access a restricted page, they will be redirected to the login page.
    • If a logged-in user without access rights tries to access a restricted page, it redirects them to the homepage, and presents them with a message saying 'You do not have access to this page'.

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Database Design

This database uses a SQL database through PostgreSQL. They were originally built in JSON files, which can be found here.

Categories Database

JSON file screenshot of categories

Products Database

JSON file screenshot of products

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Technologies Used

Languages Used




  • JavaScript
  • This project uses JavaScript ES6 and jQuery.


  • Python
  • This project uses Python 3.8.11.



GitPod was used as a virtual IDE workspace to build this site.

Version Control


Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to add and commit to Git and push to GitHub.


GitHub is used to store the code for this project after being pushed from Git.



Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.

Responsive Design

Am I Responsive Design

Am I Responsive Design was used to check the responsive design of the site, and to create the final site image.


Responsinator was used to help improve the responsive design on a variety of devices.



Shields.io was used to create the GitHub badges for the top of this README.md file.


Carbon was used to take elegant screenshots of code for this documentation.

JSHint extension

JSHint Extension was used on GitPod to maintain code quality at all times.

markdownlint extension

markdownlint Extension was used on GitPod to ensure all markdown was correctly formatted.

Site Design

Font Awesome

Font Awesome was used on all pages to add the icons.

Google Fonts

Google Fonts was used to select all the fonts on the site.


favicon.io used to create a site favicon.

Audio Trimmer

Audio Trimmer was used to trim the audio down to sample clips.


Python calendar module was used to display the date of upcoming gigs in a user-friendly format.


Name Purpose
Django Framework
Flake-8 Syntax
Pylint Syntax
Pillow Images
django-allauth Authentication
Stripe Secure Payment Services
Boto3 AWS Management
django-storages Custom Storage Backends
django-countries Country Form Field
python-magic Audio Form Field
gunicorn WSGI HTTP Server
django-crispy-forms Front End Form Rendering
dj-database-url Database Configuration
psycopg2-binary PostgreSQL DB Adaptor
coverage Test Coverage
travis.ci Testing



Heroku was used to deploy the live site initially.


Render was used to deploy the live site after submission.

Amazon AWS S3

Amazon AWS S3 was used to host this project's images and static files.

Frameworks, Libraries, and Others

Google DevTools

Google DevTools was used to help find what code correlated to which feature.


Lighthouse was used to ensure that the code was as performant as possible, conforming to best practices, and SEO and Accessibility guidelines.


WebPageTest was used to ensure that the code was as performant as possible, conforming to best practices, and SEO and Accessibility guidelines. As it is often more reliable than Lighthouse, this was used near the end of the project to fix any remaining issues.


Jinja was used to help create the templating for this site.


Bootstrap was used to create a beautiful, responsive website.


jQuery, a JavaScript library was used for DOM traversal, HTML manipulation, and event handling.


Stripe.js library was used for handling Stripe payment objects.


Djecrety was used to generate a strong SECRET_KEY.


pip was used to install the required dependencies for this site.


Slack was used to communicate with the Code Institute community for help and support with bug fixes, and a peer code review.

Songkick API

Songkick API was used to populate and auto-update the data of upcoming gigs for the band.


python-magic was used to validate that the files being uploaded as audio are genuinely audio files, not just validating by file extension.

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Please click here for all Deployment steps and requirements.

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Click here to view the full testing steps, which were completed on every device and browser, and screenshots of testing.

Solved Bugs

  1. No images are being displayed.
    • I checked my MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT in settings.py were defined.
    • I looked through the HTML and the project app's urls.py for any discrepancies.
    • I searched on the Code Institute Slack channels and Stack Overflow for anyone who had a similar issue but didn't find anything.
    • I then asked on Slack and was prompted to check my use of a tuple in the settings.py file.
    • I had set MEDIA_ROOT = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media'),) instead of MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media').
    • I changed this, which fixed this bug.
  2. The Stripe card section of the checkout form wasn't appearing.
    • I checked through my code for typos.
    • I checked through my environment variables, to ensure no variables were missing.
    • I re-set my STRIPE_WH_SECRET variable to ensure that it was set correctly.
    • I re-started my Gitpod workspace for the new STRIPE_WH_SECRET variable to take effect.
    • Finally, I double-checked my file paths to ensure my script file was being accessed correctly.
    • I had accidentally created my js file inside my css file, so I moved it into the static file, which fixed this bug.
  3. OperationalError at /accounts/login/ no such column: profiles_userprofile.user_id was occurring when I tried to log in to the site as superuser for the first time.
    • I checked through my code, to see if I'd referenced something incorrectly.
    • I saw that inside the def __str__ of the UserProfile class in profiles/models.py, the self in return self.user.username was showing an Instance of 'OneToOneField' has no 'username' member error.
    • I realised I had previously named the variable default_user instead of user.
    • I ran migrations to update this, which fixed the bug.
  4. When I added the has_audio and audio fields to my products fixture, it wasn't taking effect on my live site.
    • I checked that I'd run python3 manage.py makemigrations, python3 manage.py migrate, python3 manage.py loaddata categories, and python3 manage.py loaddata products in GitPod.
    • Everything was correct there, so I checked that I'd updated my models.py file to include the new fields.
    • I then asked for advice on the Code Institute Slack channel, and Simen Daehlin suggested that I hadn't run the above commands in my Heroku CLI as well.
    • I ran the commands in the Heroku CLI, which fixed this issue.
  5. Travis CI builds were failing with an output error of django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty..
    • I considered the context in which the error was occurring.
    • I realised this error started happening once I'd deployed my site and moved my environment variables.
    • I looked through the Travis CI documentation and realised I could include a dummy SECRET_KEY in my travis.yml file.
    • I included SECRET_KEY="whatever" python manage.py test in my travis.yml file, which fixed this issue.
  6. The Songkick API wasn't providing the correct data, and was only providing data up to 2016.
    • I checked that my Songkick API key was being accessed correctly, and that my band ID was correct.
    • I read through the Songkick API docs and checked I was using the correct syntax.
    • I looked at the raw JSON data, and saw at the bottom it said 'page 1, showing 50 items out of 122'.
    • I looked up the correct syntax to display the final page of the data.
    • I realised that the data being provided was only of past gigs, rather than upcoming gigs.
    • I searched in the Songkick API group and found that I was using the gigography rather than calendar in the API URL.
    • I changed this, which then provided me with the correct data to populate the Upcoming Gigs page with.
  7. Travis CI was failing the Band App tests, despite the Django and coverage tests running successfully.
    • The Travis CI builds were failing with the following error: File "/home/travis/build/Abibubble/ms4-lead-shot-hazard/band/views.py", line 17, in view_gigs events = result['resultsPage']['results']['event'] KeyError: 'results'
    • I tried giving the test some test gig data, which still resulted in the same error.
    • I then read through the Travis CI docs about defining variables and found that there is a place in Travis CI to include your environment variables.
    • I added my Songkick API key into the Travis CI environment variables.
    • I re-ran the build, which fixed this bug.

Known Bugs

  • None found, if any errors are found, please contact me via my GitHub (Abibubble) to get them fixed.

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  • Font Awesome: Library of icons used for social media and download links.
  • This website was made with the help of the tutorials from Code institute for the Boutique Ado project by Chris Zielinski. The code has been customised and improved to fit this project.
  • Django Documentation has been used to ensure correct syntax usage throughout the code.
  • Stack Overflow has been used to help with deciphering the django error codes, and searching for bug fixes.
  • Chris Anstey, a Digital Experience Lead at Google, for the discussion we had about Lighthouse vs WebPageTest.
  • I followed this video from JustDjango to add the Google social login functionality.
  • This stackoverflow post helped me validate that the audio files being uploaded are genuine audio files.
  • Dave Horrocks helped me with working out the logic and syntax for the Songkick API data and the Django testing.



  • All media on this site is owned by Lead Shot Hazard.
  • As a member of Lead Shot Hazard, I own joint rights to use all media and images of the band.
  • The audio selections were cropped down to a sample size using Audio Trimmer.
  • Manni Silva helped me by taking the Mobile Safari and Tablet Safari screenshots in the TESTING.md file.
  • The Songkick image on the Upcoming Gigs page was found in the downloadable ZIP file on this site, as a requirement for using the Songkick API.


  • My mentor, Antonio Rodriguez, at Code Institute, for continuous helpful feedback and support.
  • The team at Code Institute, for teaching me the necessary skills to create this site.
  • Dave Horrocks for helping me understand the Django testing for this project, and for being incredibly patient with me through the process.
  • My partner Conor Nye for his continuous support throughout my coding journey.
  • Eve Crabb, for her endless support through my learning.
  • My bandmates in Lead Shot Hazard, for inspiring me to create this site.

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