
Advanced model of Bm25 is Bm25+, which was implemented and compared with the baseline model (bm25)


Run Model_bm25+.py file.

By successfully running Model_bm25+.py file outputs files named ‘WSMModel_R101.dat to WSMModel_R150.dat’ and ‘Bm25PlusTraining_benchmark101.txt to Bm25PlusTraining_benchmark150.txt’ will be generated

Once complete execution of Model_bm25+.py is done, run the Training_bm25+.py which generates ‘Model_w5_R101.dat to Model_w5_R150.dat’files.

Once the execution of Training_bm25+.py is done, run Test_bm25+.py file, which generates ‘result1.dat to result50.dat’

Finally execute Evaluate.py file, which will generate EvaluationResult.dat

NOTE: Output files of each program is necessary to run the subsequent codes.