
This is a Python3 based 2048 Game. Easy to play. Runs with WASD. W = UP, A = LEFT, S = DOWN, D = RIGHT

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python3 based 2048 Game. Easy to play. Runs with WASD. W = UP, A = LEFT, S = DOWN, D = RIGHT

There are two 2048 varients in this repository:

One is 2048.py


2048.py is for Linux, Windows & Mac. Can control with W = UP, A = LEFT, S = DOWN, D = RIGHT or I = UP, J = LEFT, K = DOWN, L = RIGHT.

Another is 2048-term.py


2048-term.py is desgined for Termux Users. Can control with W = UP, A = LEFT, S = DOWN, D = RIGHT, E = EXIT THE SCRIPT.

For any help, feedback, updates and chat:


If you didn't installed Python3, PIP, Git & Modules in your Windows than just download & run the 2048.exe file from releases and play. GitHub release (latest by date)


From 2048-term.py:

import os
from random import randint
from copy import deepcopy

From 2048.py:

import random
from tkinter import Frame, Label, CENTER
import logic
import constants as c

From logic.py:

import random
import constants as c


  • Linux:

    • sudo apt install python3 git -y
    • git clone https://github.com/AbirHasan2005/2048 && cd 2048
  • Termux:

    • apt install python git -y
    • git clone https://github.com/AbirHasan2005/2048 && cd 2048
  • Windows***(With Python3, PIP3, Git and Modules)***:

    • Install & setup Python3 on Windows
    • Install & setup Git on Windows
    • git clone https://github.com/AbirHasan2005/2048 && cd 2048
  • Windows***(Without Python3, PIP3, Git and Modules)*** [Recommanded]:


python3 2048.py # For Window Mode (For Linux & Mac)
python3 2048-term.py # For Terminal (For Termux, Linux & Mac)


python3 2048.py

If Python3 installed & runs with python3 command


python 2048.py

If Python3 installed & runs with python command

Load Codes:

Don't become a coder by editing my codes. Must give me credits if you use any codes from here.

If you find any mistakes in the coding than please report in my Telegram Group.


