
Using this you can find informations via PhoneInFoga(In-Built), Find location via IP Address & website link via IPGeoLocation(In-Built) and Phone Number Tracker(Made by @AbirHasan2005). Phone Number Tracker will give you IP Address using phone number. For more information join my Telegram Group.

Primary LanguagePython

OPRecon v1.8-BETA

Using this you can find informations via PhoneInFoga(In-Built), Find location via IP Address & website link via IPGeoLocation(In-Built) and Phone Number Tracker(Made by @AbirHasan2005). Phone Number Tracker will give you IP Address using phone number. For more information join my Telegram Group.

Telegram Group: http://t.me/linux_repo

Join Telegram Group for help and Feedback.

Social Sites:


How to use:

  • Compatible with:
    • Linux(Desktop)
    • Termux(Android)
  • Requirements:
    • Python3
    • pip3
    • Git
  • pip packages:
    • termcolor
    • colorama
    • requests
    • bs4
    • html5lib
    • phonenumbers
    • argparse
    • urllib3
  • Commands:
git clone https://github.com/AbirHasan2005/OPRecon
cd OPRecon
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x *
bash run.sh
