Movie Genre Classification


This project implements a Movie Genre Classification system using Machine Learning with Python. It recommends movies based on user input, utilizing a combination of features like genres, keywords, taglines, cast, and director.

Project Structure

  • Movie Recommendation System using Machine Learning with Python.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook containing the main code.
  • movies.csv: Dataset used for training and testing the model.
  • This file, providing an overview of the project.


Ensure you have the following Python libraries installed:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • difflib

You can install these dependencies using the following command:

pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn

Data Collection and Pre-Processing
The project involves collecting and pre-processing movie data from the movies.csv file.
Selected features include genres, keywords, taglines, cast, and director.
Cosine Similarity
The project uses Cosine Similarity to recommend movies based on user input.
Getting Started
Clone the repository:

git clone

Open the Jupyter Notebook:


jupyter notebook "Movie Recommendation System using Machine Learning with Python.ipynb"
Execute the code cells in the notebook.

Run the notebook.
Enter your favorite movie when prompted.
Get movie recommendations based on similarity scores.
Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or creating pull requests. Any suggestions or improvements are highly appreciated.

Original Dataset - Mention the source of the dataset.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.