
This project is a small 2D game made with with the help of the minilibX and X11 graphic server

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Hi ! This project is a very small 2D game. Its purpose is to make you work with textures, sprites, and some other very basic gameplay elements.

Based on a small library made by 42 school to make the implementation of the game kinda easy for us. For more information check its documentation here MiniLibX documentation

The concept is like ...

The player has to collect the "collectibles" before he can leave the map through the exit(s). The map is a file ".ber" loaded as an argument of the executable. The number of moves are counted and the goal is to join the exit with the minimum number of moves.

Some rules to follows ....

  • Only P (Player), 1 (wall), 0 (Floor), C (collectible), E (exit) and I added G for the enemy ( Bonus part ) will be accepted characters in our map.
  • The map must be rectangular, i.e. all rows must have the same length
  • There must be at least one exit, one player, and one collectible on the map
  • The map must be closed, i.e. surrounded by walls
  • For the bonus part , it must have a counter on the window and also an animation.

If any of these checks fail, the game must end with a custom error message.

How to compile it ?

For Mandatory part : --> make --> ./so_long <a valid map>

For Bonus part : --> make bonus --> ./so_longbonus <a valid map>

PS : U can find some maps on Maps folder.

U can find the project's subject here , for more details : so_long subject

PS : If you see any error to fix , please dont hesitate to repport it, and u find my project interesting star it. feel free !! *_*