
GitHub language stats Vue component

Primary LanguageVue

Linguistical 📊

GitHub language stats Vue component

Dark theme Light theme

A near perfect replica of the GitHub language stats graph built for Vue. Pulls code data right from your repository so it is always up to date.

Great for

  • portfolio sites
  • project wikis
  • and more

Getting Started

  1. Install the GitHub app so Linguistical can access your data
  2. Install the Linguistical library to your Vue project: npm i linguistical
  3. Import and implement the component anywhere in your project (don't forget the CSS!). Make sure to pass it your username and the repository name that you want to pull stats from:
import Linguistical from 'linguistical'

  <Linguistical user="username" repo="reponame" />


Currently Linguistical supports two themes: light and dark. light is default. The styling is copied from GitHub's light and dark themes.

Theming is controlled with the theme prop:

<Linguistical theme="dark" user="username" repo="reponame" />


To run the demo app:

npm install
npm run dev

Recommended IDE Setup