
ENet implementation in Erlang/OTP

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A complete re-implementation of the ENet protocol in Erlang/OTP.


The module enet presents the API of enet.

Data Types

port_number() = 0..65535

peer_count() = 1..255

channel_count() = 1..255

bytes_per_second() = non_neg_integer()

channels() = #{ non_neg_integer() := pid() }


start_host(Port, Options) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, atom()}

    Port = port_number()
    Options = [Option]
    Option =
      {peer_limit, peer_count()} |
      {channel_limit, channel_count()} |
      {incoming_bandwidth, bytes_per_second()} |
      {outgoing_bandwidth, bytes_per_second()}

Start a new host listening on Port.

stop_host(Port) -> ok

    Port = port_number()

Stop a host listening on Port.

connect_peer(Host, IP, Port, ChannelCount) -> {ok, Peer} | {error, atom()}

    Host = pid()
    IP = string()
    Port = port_number()
    ChannelCount = channel_count()

Start a new peer on Host connecting to a remote host on address IP:Port. If a successful connect handshake has been completed, the calling process will receive a message {enet, connect, local, {Host, Channels}, ConnectID}.

sync_connect_peer(Host, IP, Port, ChannelCount) -> {ok, {Peer, Channels}} | {error, atom()}

    Host = pid()
    IP = string()
    Port = port_number()
    ChannelCount = channel_count()
    Peer = pid()
    Channels = channels()

Equivalent to connect_peer/4 but synchronous. The function returns when the handshake is completed or after a timeout.

disconnect_peer(Peer) -> ok

    Peer = pid()

Disconnect Peer.

send_unsequenced(Channel, Data) -> ok

    Channel = pid()
    Data = iolist()

Send unsequenced data to the remote peer over Channel.

send_unreliable(Channel, Data) -> ok

    Channel = pid()
    Data = iolist()

Send unreliable data to the remote peer over Channel.

send_reliable(Channel, Data) -> ok

    Channel = pid()
    Data = iolist()

Send reliable data to the remote peer over Channel.