
Interpretable text representations with VAEs

Primary LanguagePython

Learning Disentangled Representations of Negation and Uncertainty

This is the official repository for the long paper accepted at ACL 2022.


git clone https://github.com/jvasilakes/disentanglement-vae.git
conda env create -f environment.yaml  # Install dependencies
conda activate dvae
python setup.py develop  # Install code under vae/

Reproducing experiments from the paper


Tarballs of the raw data are stored in data/tars/. Follow the instructions in the associated READMEs (e.g. data/SFU/README.md) to preprocess them.

Combined SFU+Amazon

Unpack the SFU tarball at data/tars/sfu_all.tar.gz into data/SFU/ and follow the instructions at data/SFU/README.md. Unpack the Amazon tarball at data/tars/amazon.tar.gz into data/Amazon/ and follow the instructions at data/Amazon/README.md.

Train the BOW negation and uncertainty classifiers on SFU.

python scripts/helpers/bow_classifier.py estimate data/SFU/processed data/SFU/bow_classifier_logs

Apply these models to the Amazon data to generate weak labels.

python scripts/helpers/bow_classifier.py apply data/SFU/bow_classifier_logs data/Amazon/processed data/Amazon/neg_unc_labels

Combine SFU with the labeled Amazon data

python scripts/helpers/combine_datasets.py --data_dirs data/SFU/processed data/Amazon/neg_unc_labels/ --dataset_names sfu amazon --Ns -1 100000 --outdir data/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/

data/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{train,dev,test}.jsonl are now ready for training! Make sure to set "combined_dataset": true and "dataset_minibatch_ratios": {"sfu": float, "amazon": float} (where the floats sum to 1) in the config file. The dataset_minibatch_ratios parameter specifies the percentage of examples in each minibatch that should be taken from each dataset.

Combined SFU+Yelp

The process is the same as above using data/tars/yelp.tar.gz instead of the Amazon data.

Model Training

Config files for each model reported in the paper are in reproduction_configs.

python run.py reproduction_configs/{model}.json [--verbose]

This command will train the model, run validation at every epoch, and run testing at the final epoch. Log files, model checkpoints, and tensorboard files are by default saved to $CWD/{logs,model_checkpoints,runs}/name/ where name is whatever is set as the name field in the config file passed to run.py.

Model Evaluation

All evaluation scripts are in scripts/evaluation/.


using the combined SFU+Amazon dataset

# Compute the necessary statistics
python scripts/evaluation/disentanglement.py compute --num_resamples 30 logs/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{model_name}/metadata/ data/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/ test logs/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{model_name}/evaluation/

# Output the numbers, like table 1
python scripts/evaluation/disentanglement.py summarize test logs/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{model_name}/evaluation/

# Plots MIG box plots, like figure 5
python scripts/evaluation/plot_migs.py logs/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{first_model_name}/evaluation/MIGS_test.jsonl logs/combined/sfu_amazon_100k/{next_model_name}/evaluation/MIGS_test.jsonl ... outfile


# Compute the necessary statistics.
python scripts/evaluation/consistency.py compute --num_resamples 30 logs/{model_name}/config_epoch0.json logs/{model_name}/evaluation/ test

Summarize the numbers, like table 4
python scripts/evaluation/consistency.py summarize logs/{model_name}/evaluation/ test

The script above will also, as a side-effect, compute self-BLEU scores (table 3) for each resample from the latent space. They are saved to logs/{model_name}/evaluation/self_bleus_test.csv.


Details TBD, but the relevant latent parameters for computing correlations are logged under logs/{model_name}/metadata/


Details TBD

python scripts/evaluation/compute_ppl.py

self-BLEUs at logs/{model_name}/evaluation/self_bleus_*.csv.

Controlled Generation

python scripts/evaluation/controlled_generation.py

For computing the regression models over the latent spaces (like table 12)

python scripts/helpers/predict_ntokens.py --dataset test logs/{model_name}/metadata data/{dataset_name}/processed/

Running your own experiments

An example config file is at config_example.json. Check out vae.utils.validate_params() for more documentation. Some things to note, the value of the latent_dims parameter is a mapping from label names (in the training data) to latent dimensions. The overall dimensionality of the model is specified using the total key. All other keys should match label names in the dataset. The number left over after subtracting the dimensionality of all labeled spaces from total is assigne to a generic, unsupervised "content" space.

The lambdas keyword specifies the KL divergence weight for each of the latent spaces specified under latent_dims. Any latent_spaces without a corresponding entry in lambdas will fall back to the value of the default key. Set a weight to "cyclic" to use cyclic KL annealing for that latent. It will complete 4 cycles of linear increase with a ratio of 0.5.

For the most part, the hyperparameters given in config_example.json are a good starting point. After editing config_example.json to your liking, run

python run.py config_example.json --verbose

Reconstructions are automatically logged under logs/<experiment_name>/reconstructions_<dataset>.log. The script also automatically logs to Tensorboard. Start the server with

tensorboard --logdir runs

You can generate plots of the latent spaces using

python scripts/evaluation/plot_zs.py --data_split {train,dev,test} /path/to/logdir/metadata/ /path/to/datadir/

This produces a plot of the aggregated approximate posterior ∫q(z|x)p(x)dx for each dimension of the specified latent space. Warning, this plots all dimensions separately, so its only adviseable to run this for small latents.

Inspecting a model

Once a model has been trained, you can inspect it using the interactive sampling script.

python inspect_model.py /path/to/config.json

See the documentation within the script for more information.