
Fully Convolutional HarDNet for Segmentation in Pytorch

Primary LanguagePython


Fully Convolutional HarDNet for Segmentation in Pytorch


  • Simple U-shaped encoder-decoder structure
  • Conv3x3/Conv1x1 only (including the first layer)
  • No self-attention layer or Pyramid Pooling


Method #Param
fps on Titan-V
fps on 1080ti
ICNet 7.7 30.7 69.5 63 48
SwiftNetRN-18 11.8 104 75.5 - 39.9
BiSeNet (1024x2048) 13.4 119 77.7 36 27
BiSeNet (768x1536) 13.4 66.8 74.7 72** 54**
FC-HarDNet-70 4.1 35.4 76.0 70 53
  • ** Speed tested in 1536x768 instead of full resolution.

DataLoaders implemented


  • pytorch >=0.4.0
  • torchvision ==0.2.0
  • scipy
  • tqdm
  • tensorboardX


Setup config file

Please see the usage section in meetshah1995/pytorch-semseg

To train the model :

python train.py [-h] [--config [CONFIG]]

--config                Configuration file to use (default: hardnet.yml)

To validate the model :

usage: validate.py [-h] [--config [CONFIG]] [--model_path [MODEL_PATH]] [--save_image]
                       [--eval_flip] [--measure_time]

  --config              Config file to be used
  --model_path          Path to the saved model
  --eval_flip           Enable evaluation with flipped image | False by default
  --measure_time        Enable evaluation with time (fps) measurement | True by default
  --save_image          Enable writing result images to out_rgb (pred label blended images) and out_predID

Pretrained Weights

  • Cityscapes pretrained weights: Download
    (Val mIoU: 77.7, Test mIoU: 75.9)
  • Cityscapes pretrained with color jitter augmentation: Download
    (Val mIoU: 77.4, Test mIoU: 76.0)
  • HarDNet-Petite weights pretrained by ImageNet:
    included in weights/hardnet_petite_base.pth

Prediction Samples