
how to use third-party library(dll) to convert format of pictures

Primary LanguageC++

This project converts medical image format from kfb to more universal formats like tiff.
kfb format is provided by http://www.kfbio.cn 

ConsoleApplication1.exe "image.kfb" image num
parameter1: absolute file path or relative file path
parameter2: output filename, if num is 2, then the filenames are separately: image0.jpeg, image1.jpeg, image2.jpeg
parameter3: num is the number of partition, from 1 on, horizontally.

convert +append image*.jpeg image.jpeg
parameter:+append means combining images horizontally

convert image.jpeg -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 -compress LZW "ptif:image.tif"
parameter:image.jpeg is input image, LZW is compress algorithm,image.tif is output image

1, warned that some dll files are missed
install visual studio

2, SHException
the value of "num" in your command is too small

3, where to download convert tool