
A Binary Classification From Scratch, very simple algorithm to classify simple data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Binary Classification From Scratch



  • A very simple Binary Classification From Scratch. I did not use Scikit-Learn or any similar libraries.
    The main point from this is to understand how Logistic Regression works in the backgroud. Understand the math and the concept of it is much important using a library with 2 lines to train the model! At least for a beginner like me :)

  • I have used a dataset found online, it is very simple! we have 2 features and 2 possible outputs 1 or 0. I calculated the accuracy which is equal to the Total Correct Answers (whether the predicted is 1 and the actual value is 1 OR predicted = 0 and the actual is 0) / The Total samples numbers. I used scipy.optimize for optimization and Cross-Entropy Loss as a Cost Function. And Sigmoid Function as an Activation Function

Tech Stack

  • Python: Version 3.10

  • SciPy: Version 1.9.1

  • NumPy: Version 1.23.0

  • Pandas: Version 1.4.3


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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


  • Very explained resource on which I depended a lot to develop this algorithm Helpful Video
