Real-Time WhatsApp Clone

This project is a real-time chat application inspired by WhatsApp, built using Angular for the frontend, Node.js and Express for the backend server, MongoDB for the database, and Socket.IO for real-time communication.


  • Real-time messaging between users
  • Message storage in MongoDB
  • Socket.IO integration for instant message delivery
  • RESTful APIs for user and message handling



Before starting, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)
  • MongoDB (Make sure MongoDB server is running)

Installing Dependencies

Server Dependencies:

1- Clone the repository:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-folder>

2- Install dependencies:

npm install

3- Start the server --> Terminal 1:

node server.js

4- Running Client 1 --> Terminal 2:

node client1.js

5- Running Client 2 --> Terminal 3:

node client2.js

This will connect the client to the server and begin listening for messages.

Client 1 Usage

  • Client 1 sends messages to Client 2.
  • Client 1 receives messages from Client 2.
  • Messages sent by Client 1 are displayed as send successfully [client1name]: message.
  • Messages received by Client 1 are displayed as received from [client2name]: message.


Ensure to replace senderId and recipientId in client1.js with actual user IDs before running.