
User Service Api [https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/7775892/UzQvsjmM]

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The service allows CRUD operations and the retrieval of basic statistical data from users


It is built on top of NodeJS and Express. It is higly flexible because it provides the following features with opportunity to:

  • Create User
  • Get users details with pagination and search
  • Get user detail
  • Update user details
  • Soft delete users

Getting Started

To obtain the postman documentation url

To obtain a copy of this app download or clone the repository at this url


You must have

  • NodeJs Installed
  • A browser Installed
  • An Internet connection to download the dependencies.

Installing locally

  • (If the repository wasn't cloned)Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file into any suitable location on the computer
  • In the command prompt, cd to the root of the directory you extracted the app into
  • Run 'npm install' to install all dependencies
  • Run 'npm run start:dev' to start the application
  • In a browser address bar navigate to http://localhost:${PORT} with your preferred PORT on env


  • To start the docker containers on your terminal run docker-compose up -d

Current Design Image

current-design-pattern drawio (1)

Built With

  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • Typescript
  • Mongodb(database)
  • typegoose
  • Deployed on Heroku


  • AbonyiXavier