This was a fun project, I enjoyed it! It took me ~5 days to complete.
I've also deployed it on Heroku! Check it out here!
The first part I thought about was how I was going to tackle this. I wanted to opt for something that was:
- User friendly and fun.
- Rather simple, and would not require a long time to implement, due to the time limitation.
I wanted to treat this project as I do my startup work. Get an MVP that works, and that meets requirements as quickly as possible, with as little technical debt as possible.
It's been a long time (3 years!) since I've last developed using React, so it was super exciting to get back to it. I'm also a more back-end focused full-stack developer, so it was definitely challenging!
- Games can be played by both registered and unregistered (anonymous) users.
- Users can invite one another for an online game via an invitation link.
- Users have the ability to request a rematch after a game is over.
- Users can view one anothers' list of lifetime scores.
- Games can be spectated.
There should be nothing out of the ordinary.
$ bundle install
to install Ruby dependencies
$ yarn
to install Javascript and Frontend dependencies
$ rails db:setup
to setup database (Postgresql)
$ rails s
to run the server
$ rspec
to run the back-end tests
There are 6 React components. I opted for functional components, and tried to kept the use of states to a minimum. GameContainer
is the only component that uses state.
├── InvitationListener
├── GameContainer
│ ├── GameHeader
│ ├── Game
│ ├── RematchCallToActions
│ ├── RematchStatus
The main game data request takes this shape:
..........\\ all the way to 9
..........\\ moves can either be 'playable', 'played', or 'winning'
"result":"not_applicable", \\ result can either be 'not_applicable', 'player_one_win', 'player_two_win', or 'draw'
"status":"in_progress", \\ status can either be 'invitation_pending', 'in_progress', or 'completed'
"rematchStatus":"none", \\ rematchStatus can either be 'none', 'requested', 'accepted', or 'declined'
"rematchSlug":null, \\ contains the slug for the created rematch game
"rematchRequesterId":null \\ contains the id of the player who requested the rematch
"winningCombination":[], \\ cached value of the winning combination, one of Game::WINNING_COMBINATIONS