
🎁 Convert RSS OPML file to Markdown and list feed properties

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ReadMe of this forked repo


Turn OPML into a Markdown table with key infomation of RSS feeds such as publish frequency etc.

Pro and Con

Functions or known issues rss_opml_to_markdown_Feedsearch_version.py rss_opml_to_markdown_feedparser_version.py
Sequence Number (to tell how many feeds in the OPML)
Feed Title
Detect Site URL from RSS feed URL ✅ but might not be correct due to that some feeds put other link address rather than site url in the namespace of link
Feed URL
If the outermost level of outline signifies the Feed Category, extract it
Works with OPML with more than 2 levels of outline
Show the time of Last Updated
Humanize the time difference between last updated and now
Show Item Count
Show Content Length (bytes of the RSS xml file)
Show the mean number of items per day (or be interpreted as publish frequency)
Show Language if RSS feed has language namespace
Show feed type version
Tell whether it's a Podcast feed ✅ Simple detection according to enclosure and itunes-related namespace
Able to handle OPML with huge amount of RSS Feeds ❌ due to API limitation
SSLError Problem like EOF occurred in violation of protocol or SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED Seldom Partially resolved as requests.Session() has been involved. It seems still an open issue for feedparser
Put those 'Fetch failed' RSS Feeds together at the bottom of the generated Markdown table


python rss_opml_to_markdown_Feedsearch_version.py {The name and path of the OPML file} {the name and path of the outputed .MD file}


python rss_opml_to_markdown_feedparser_version.py {The name and path of the OPML file} {the name and path of the outputed .MD file}


opml_merge.py: merge all OPML files (that has no more than 2 levels of outline fields) in a certain folder into one OPML file.

Usage: python opml_mergy.py {The path of the folder containing OPML files} {the name and the path of the outputed OPML file or the path of the folder for the outputed file}


OPML content:

<opml version="2.0">
    <title>My Subscriptions</title>
    <outline title="News" type="rss">
      <outline title="BBC News" type="rss" xmlUrl="https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml"/>
    <outline title="Tech" type="rss">
      <outline title="The Verge" type="rss" xmlUrl="https://www.theverge.com/rss/index.xml"/>

P.S. the above sample OPML file is provided by Google Bard.

OPML -> Markdown

Markdown preview:

Title URL Last Updated Podcast Item Count Content Length The mean number of items per day Detected feed type version
BBC News https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml 2023-10-17T15:01:41+00:00 False 94 52924 0.459 rss20
The Verge https://www.theverge.com/rss/index.xml 2023-10-17T15:00:00+00:00 False 10 23496 96.583 atom10

Markdown preview:

Sequence Number Title Site URL Feed URL Category Last Updated Item Count Content Length (bytes) The mean number of items per day Language Detected feed type version Podcast feed or not
1 小众软件 https://www.appinn.com https://feed.appinn.com/ 网络资源🥗 14h6m ago 10 123248 2.63 zh-CN rss20 False
2 异次元软件世界 https://www.iplaysoft.com http://feed.iplaysoft.com/ 网络资源🥗 1d11h ago 60 483834 0.75 zh-CN rss20 False
3 電腦玩物 http://www.playpcesor.com/ http://feeds.feedburner.com/playpc 网络资源🥗 4d9h ago 15 1201013 0.40 not found atom10 False
4 免費資源網路社群 https://free.com.tw http://feeds.feedburner.com/freegroup 网络资源🥗 19h14m ago 10 151280 1.11 zh-TW rss20 False
5 反斗软件 » 反斗软件 https://www.apprcn.com http://www.apprcn.com/feed 网络资源🥗 2023 August 07, 15:59 10 53380 0.08 zh-CN rss20 False
6 少数派 https://sspai.com https://sspai.com/feed 网络资源🥗 11h10m ago 10 22283 9.51 zh-CN rss20 False
7 编程随想 https://program-think.blogspot.com/ https://feeds2.feedburner.com/programthink 网络资源🥗 2021 May 09, 15:43 5 1788545 0.10 not found atom10 False
8 Rat's Blog https://www.moerats.com/ https://www.moerats.com/feed 网络资源🥗 2022 January 22, 15:04 10 140622 0.01 zh-CN rss20 False
9 如有乐享 https://51.ruyo.net https://51.ruyo.net/feed/ 网络资源🥗 20h34m ago 10 125712 0.42 zh-CN rss20 False
10 活动优惠 https://jike.info/category/5 https://jike.info/category/5.rss 网络资源🥗 8h8m ago 25 45493 10.33 not found rss20 False
11 神代綺凜の萌化小基地 https://moe.best/ https://moe.best/feed 网络资源🥗 2023 July 17, 08:57 10 20053 0.01 zh-CN rss20 False
12 不死鸟 https://iui.su/ https://hao.su/feed/ 网络资源🥗 1d5h ago 20 177629 0.90 zh-CN rss20 False
13 Anyway.FM 设计杂谈 https://anyway.fm http://anyway.fm/rss.xml 网络资源🥗 2023 October 23, 18:21 177 1855842 0.06 zh-CN rss20 True
14 老殁 - 殁漂遥 https://www.mpyit.com https://www.mpyit.com/feed 网络资源🥗 16h5m ago 10 23891 33.52 zh-CN rss20 False
15 Windows软件破解 fetch failed https://downloadly.ir/feed/ 网络资源🥗 fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed
16 Saodaye fetch failed https://saodaye.com/feed 网络资源🥗 fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed fetch failed


When I'm interested in a new found RSS feed, I'd like to know more about it. For example, a property or index indicates how often a certain RSS feed is publishing its new items would be much better for me to determine subscribing to it or not. Thus, I first combined RSS-OPML-to-Markdown with Feedsearch API. Now, by utilizing the power of Feedsearch API, one can easily type python rss_opml_to_markdown_Feedsearch_version.py {The name and path of the OPML file} {the name and path of the outputed .MD file} to obtain 'Title', 'URL','Last Updated','Is Podcast','Item Count','Content Length','The mean number of items per day' and 'Detected feed type version' of a certain RSS feed listed in the OPML file. Notice that one might encounter the API usage limitation if there are more than 10 feeds contained in the OPML file.

In order to bypass the limitation of Feedsearch API, another approach utilizing feedparser has been developed. Hence, it does not matter if there are a plenty of RSS feeds in an OPML file.


Inspired by

Readme of the origional repo

🎁 Please take my RSS list!

RSS-OPML-to-Markdown 可以将从平台导出的 OPML 文件转化为易读的 Markdown 表格的形式,便于分享与展示

目前已在 inoreadertiny tiny RSS 上进行测试


转换前 OPML -> 转换后 Markdown

How to Use

本项目基于 Python3 构建,依赖包 listparsertabulate


  1. 下载项目
pip install RSS-OPML-to-Markdown
  1. 使用项目
rss_opml_to_markdown {OPML文件的位置与名称} {期望输出markdown文件的位置与名称}


Planned Features

  • 表格源代码美化

  • 更多选项支持


如果有任何想法或需求,可以在 issue 中告诉我们,同时欢迎各种 pull requests

Open-source Licenses

This project is under MIT license, feel free to use it under the license.