
Sending IMU Tracking data from Arduino board & sensors over sockets

Primary LanguageC++


Sending data from Arduino board / sensors to Unreal Engine LiveLink over sockets.


Arduino / Devices:

M5STICK-C https://m5stack.com/products/stick-c

SparkFun VR IMU Breakout - BNO080 (Qwiic) https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14686

Qwiic Cable/Connector https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14425


Unreal Project Example:



Unreal Engine:


*** Lonet Plugin and UE4 Livelink Plugin needed


LONET LiveLink Unreal Engine Plugin:





Using USB Cable //Ideal for Realtime Camera Tracking Solution

arduino IDE //modify the arduino sketch file...set bool serial_output = true; bool wifi_udp_output = false;

then upload to your arduino device

connect your arduino device with USB cable to PC that will be running "LiveLink_Data_Sender_V1/MainProgram.exe" (all the devices must be under same subnet!!!)

run MainProgram and update the setting then save it...and hit send

run the unreal project

update the blueprint by selecting available connection, check the attached screenshot as guideline


Using WIFI //Ideal for external control over network (data transfer speed might be vary based on your router and arduino board!!!)

arduino IDE //modify the arduino sketch file... set bool serial_output = true; bool wifi_udp_output = true;

don't forget to set your SSID and SSID password, set the IP address and port(unreal engine system)

upload the sketch file to your arduino device

run the unreal project

update the blueprint by selecting available connection, check the attached screenshot as guideline
