What is Schemaversus? It's the scheamversus, but a 1v1. What is Schemaverse? The Schemaverse is a space-based strategy game implemented entirely within a PostgreSQL database. Compete against other players using raw SQL commands to command your fleet. Or, if your PL/pgSQL-foo is strong, wield it to write AI and have your fleet command itself! Why? People play the Schemaverse for variety of reasons. Some of those include: - Teaching and learning SQL (along with other database interaction) - Database Security research - Playing with AI - Developing graph and map based UIs - Looking like you are working while actually playing a sweet space battle game I created this game to learn more about security in postgres. This means that this game is probably extremely insecure. DON'T RUN THIS ON SOMETHING IMPORTANT. Requirements: - PostgreSQL 9.3.* - Sqitch - Perl & DBD::Pg -Abstrct www.schemaverse.com www.schemaversus.com