

FFmpeg headers: 4.2.2

Rust bindings for ffmpeg, fork of ffmpeg-dev

Differences from original repo:

  • Dynamically-linked against ffmpeg libs
  • Bindgen performs using system-installed headers
  • Generated bindings are stored in repo without use of include! macro

This means:

  • Resulting application will require ffmpeg 4.x libs installed
  • Bindings re-generation will require ffmpeg headers installed which are only shipped in -dev packages in some distros.
  • Putting bindings right into source tree fixes issues with some IDE's unable to resolve include! macro

This crate is intended to be a drop-in replacement for ffmpeg-dev, so you (probably) can just use it instead of original if you need dynamic linking.

If you're looking for self-contained, statically-linked bindigs, take a look at original repo: https://github.com/imager-io/ffmpeg-dev-rs


  • This repo, as well as the original, is licensed under MIT.
  • FFmpeg itself is licensed under LGPL