
Created an application that does the following:

  • Created a variable that stores the numberOfCupsOfCoffee that the user drinks every day
  • Created a variable that is called fullName and it is equal to the users full name
  • Created a variable that displays the current date using DateTime.Today
  • Application prints out the variables numberOfCupsOfCoffee, fullName, and today, displays them

Able to have the application to ask for user input by:

  • Asking the user for their name and storing it in a variable named userName
  • Printing out a greeting to the user, using their name
  • Asking the user to input two numbers
  • Getting the numbers as strings using Console.ReadLine, storing them in variables named firstNumberAsString and secondNumberAsString
  • Converting string inputs into numbers
  • Converted each string above to a double using Double.parse. Save the first value in a variable named firstOperand and the second value in a variable named secondOperand

Having the application perform math equations by:

  • Adding the operand variables and saving the results in a variable named sum
  • Subtracting the secondOperand variable from the firstOperand variable and saving the results in a variable named difference
  • Multiplying the operand variables and saving the results in a variable named product
  • Dividing the firstOperand by the secondOperand and save the results in a variable named quotient
  • Finding the remainder when one operand is divided by the other and save the results in a variable named remainder
  • Using Console.WriteLine to present the user each of the values for the sum, difference, quotient, product, and remainder variables