
Within this GitHub repository, you will discover an assortment of Data Science projects personally curated by me. Each project is meticulously crafted to demonstrate diverse facets of data analysis, machine learning, and visualization. The primary objective of this repository is to offer real-world illustrations and hands-on applications.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Data Science Project Repository

License: MIT

This GitHub repository contains various Data Science projects developed by AbuBakkar32. Each project is designed to showcase different aspects of data analysis, machine learning, and visualization. The repository aims to provide real-world examples and practical applications of Data Science concepts.

Project List

Project 1: Customer Segmentation

  • Description: This project explores customer data and uses unsupervised learning techniques to segment customers into distinct groups based on their behavior and preferences.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn, K-means clustering, Matplotlib, Seaborn.

Project 2: Predicting House Prices

  • Description: In this project, the focus is on predicting house prices using regression techniques. The dataset includes various features of houses, and the goal is to build a model that can accurately predict house prices.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Linear Regression, Feature Engineering.

Project 3: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data

  • Description: Sentiment analysis is performed on a dataset of tweets to determine the overall sentiment of users towards a particular topic or product.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, NLTK, TextBlob, Sentiment Analysis.

Project 4: Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

  • Description: This project involves building a CNN model to classify images into various categories. It uses deep learning techniques to achieve high accuracy in image classification tasks.
  • Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, Keras, CNN.

Project 5: Recommender System for Movie Ratings

  • Description: This project implements a collaborative filtering-based recommender system to suggest movies to users based on their historical movie ratings.
  • Technologies: Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Collaborative Filtering.

Installation and Usage

To use and run the projects in this repository, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/AbuBakkar32/Data-Science-Project.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Data-Science-Project
  3. Set up a virtual environment (recommended):
    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use: venv\Scripts\activate
  4. Install the required Python packages:
    pip install -r requirements.txt


If you wish to contribute to this repository, feel free to create a pull request. Contributions related to bug fixes, new projects, or improvements to existing projects are welcome.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You can find the license details in the LICENSE file.


Special thanks to AbuBakkar32 for creating and sharing these Data Science projects. Your contributions help the Data Science community learn and grow.


The projects in this repository are meant for educational and demonstrative purposes. The author and contributors are not responsible for any misuse or consequences of the projects' code and data. Always use the code responsibly and review the results carefully before making any decisions based on the project outputs.