React + TypeScript + Vite

Space Flight App

Welcome to the Space Flight App, a React web application for exploring spaceflight details. This README provides instructions for deploying and running the app.


  • Explore Space Missions: Discover a comprehensive list of space missions, including mission names, launch dates, mission patches, and rocket details.

  • Search and Filter: Easily search for specific space missions by rocket name and apply filters based on launch status and launch date.

  • Pagination: Navigate through a large number of spaceflight records using a paginated interface for a seamless user experience.

  • Responsive Design: The app is designed with a responsive layout, ensuring optimal performance on various screen sizes and devices.

  • Modern Technologies: Developed using modern web technologies, including TypeScript React, React Router, and other popular libraries.

  • GitHub Repository: The project is open-source and hosted on GitHub, facilitating collaboration and contributions from the community.

  • Easy Deployment: Deploy the app with ease using Netlify, making it accessible to users on the web.


Before getting started, ensure that you have the following tools and dependencies installed:

Getting Started

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory.

       cd space-flight.
  3. Install the project dependencies using npm.

     npm install.
  4. Run the following command

    npm run dev

Used Resources

  • React: ^18.2.0
  • React DOM: ^18.2.0
  • React Icons: ^4.11.0
  • React Paginate: ^8.2.0
  • React Router DOM: ^6.17.0
  • React Router Dom:
  • Tailwind CSS:
  • React Icons:
  • React Paginate: