
Group Work - Tweedr App - Node.js and React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

Heroku - https://tweeder-app.herokuapp.com/

Project Description

It is an app similar to the idea of twitter.com and it allows the user to insert their posts - plus, the time of post is inserted automatically with each post. It has a combination of both front and back end. It was built with the group of 4, using Node.js, React, CSS, JSX.



Landing Page



  • Clone and Install it
  • Go to "Tweeder_App/tweedr/db/migrations" and type psql and press enter?
  • Type CREATE DATABASE tweedr_dev to create database and then type \q to exit.
  • Create the table by typing psql -f migration.sql inside the "./migration" folder
  • Go back to "Tweeder_App/tweedr" and type npm install to install all the dependences for node.js.
  • Then do same in "Tweeder_App/tweedr" directory for REACT.
  • Type npm start inside "Tweeder_App/tweedr" to start the node.js server and inside "Tweeder_App/tweedr/client" to start the React.js server.
  • Node.js server is on "http://localhost:3001/" and React.js server is on http://localhost:3000/