
Instructions on how to get this to your local Machine

Start your bash terminal, change to the directory where you want to download the codes (cd /your_directory)

Repository Link:

  • Clone the Repository
    Run this command "git clone <the repository link>"
  • Change to Repo directory
   Run "cd stem-coders-9/"
  • Run

    git remote -v: to view remote link for pull/fetch
  • Switch to Main branch (If you're not already in main branch)

    Run this command "git checkout main"
  • After your changes have been made: (Note always do this before pushing)
    git pull origin main
  • Make your changes, add them and make your commits

      git add .
      git commit -m "your message"
  • Check status

    Run "git status"
  • Push your changes

        git push origin Main