Cloud Engineering Third Semester Examination Project



A microservice-based architecture has been deployed on Kubernetes and we need to create a clear IaaC (Infrastructure as Code) deployment to be able to deploy our services in a fast manner.

Setup Details

  1. Provisioning an Azure voting app with nginx frontend proxy and a database backend(redis : in-memory database).

  2. Provisioning the Socks Shop example microservice application

Task Instructions

  • Everything needs to be deployed using an Infrastructure as Code approach.
  • Solution should emphasize readability, maintainability and DevOps methodologies such as:
  • Deploy pipeline
  • Metrics
  • Monitoring
  • Logging

Tools used:

  1. Prometheus - monitoring tool
  2. Terraform - configuration management tool.
  3. AWS - IaaS provider.
  4. Amazon EKS - Kubernetes to run application