
My legal background gave me a deep appreciation for language's importance. It's not just words; it's a profound understanding woven into every case. This connection led me to coding, where I coded a potent pipeline system with Stanford CoreNLP.

Primary LanguageJava

Stanford NLP Pipeline

This Java class, Pipeline, provides a configuration setup for the Stanford CoreNLP library to facilitate Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. It initializes a pipeline with specific annotators to perform various NLP operations on textual data.


The Pipeline class is designed to create an instance of Stanford CoreNLP with the following annotators:

  • Tokenization
  • Sentence splitting
  • Part-of-Speech tagging (POS)
  • Lemmatization
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Parsing
  • Sentiment analysis


To utilize this pipeline:

  1. Ensure you have the Stanford CoreNLP library configured in your project.

  2. Add Stanford CoreNLP as a dependency. You can do this by including the following Maven dependency in your project's pom.xml file:

  3. Import the Pipeline class into your Java application.

  4. Access the pipeline instance using the getPipeline() method to perform NLP tasks.