
I created a landing page according to stated CSS styling. You can check the task here: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/foundations-landing-page

Primary LanguageHTML

the Odin Project


Welcome to my landing page repository! In this assignment, I've created a web page based on a provided design. The task involved replicating the design as closely as possible, focusing on content layout and styling.

Project Details

  • Design Images:
  • Font Used: Roboto
  • Hero Text: The statement that appears at the top of a web page.
  • Approach:
    • I followed the advice to tackle the project one section at a time, starting from the top.
    • I ensured to complete the HTML structure for each section before proceeding to CSS styling.
    • Flexbox exercises were revisited for layout purposes.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Not addressed in this project; it will be covered later.

Instructions Followed

  • Commit Frequency: I adhered to the advice of committing early and often throughout the project.
  • Content Development: Started by getting all content onto the page (HTML) before styling (CSS).
  • Single Stylesheet: Utilized only one CSS file for the project.
  • Reference to Previous Lessons: Referred back to flexbox exercises for element layout.

Completion and Submission

Upon completion, I pushed the project to GitHub to ensure accessibility and sharing.


Thank you for reviewing my project! If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to reach out.