
💳 Introducing our CLI-based trading platform companion: Explore stock values of diverse markets hassle-free. Stay informed without the trading hustle.

Primary LanguagePython



Welcome to ConsoleTrader, your ultimate command-line interface (CLI) trading companion. ConsoleTrader provides a seamless way to explore real-time stock values and market data without the complexity of trading. Whether you're an investor, analyst, or market enthusiast, ConsoleTrader is designed to keep you informed and empowered.

ConsoleTrader stands out as the go-to solution for effortlessly viewing your favorite stocks and setting personalized alarms. With a user-centric approach, ConsoleTrader empowers you to curate a list of favorite stocks, allowing you to efficiently track their performance. The ability to receive real-time updates on these favored stocks, coupled with customizable alerts, ensures that you stay ahead of market movements. Our innovative CLI design enables you to effortlessly set alarms based on specific price points or percentage changes, transforming ConsoleTrader into your personalized stock monitoring assistant.

What truly sets ConsoleTrader apart is its dedication to simplicity and efficiency. Unlike traditional trading platforms that bombard you with overwhelming features, ConsoleTrader remains focused on delivering what matters most to you: quick access to stock values and informed decision-making. The minimalist approach extends to the alarm-setting process, ensuring that you can swiftly configure alerts without any hassle. Whether you're keeping a close eye on potential investments or monitoring the performance of your portfolio, ConsoleTrader streamlines these tasks, allowing you to dedicate more time to strategic planning and less to navigating convoluted interfaces.

In a world where information is key, ConsoleTrader emerges as your reliable companion, transforming raw data into actionable insights. By combining real-time stock data, user-friendly navigation, customization options, and personalized alarms, ConsoleTrader takes your trading experience to new heights. Embrace the power of the command line and elevate your stock exploration journey with ConsoleTrader.

Elevate your market insights with ConsoleTrader - simplifying stock exploration through the command line. Experience the ease of monitoring your favorite stocks and setting alarms tailored to your preferences, all within a minimalist yet powerful CLI tool.


  • Real-Time Insights: Stay updated with up-to-the-minute stock values across diverse markets.

  • Effortless Navigation: Intuitive CLI design ensures easy exploration of stock data.

  • Market Diversity: Access stock values from various markets all in one place.

  • Customized Experience: Sort and filter stocks based on your preferences.

  • Data Visualization: Enjoy basic visualizations like line graphs and heatmaps right in your console.


  1. Prerequisites: Ensure you have Python [version] and [required packages] installed.

  2. Clone the Repository: Use this command to clone ConsoleTrader:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/ConsoleTrader.git
  3. Navigate to the Directory:

    cd ConsoleTrader
  4. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the Application:

    python console_trader.py


Discover the power of ConsoleTrader's CLI interface:

  • View real-time stock values.
  • Navigate through markets and sectors.
  • Customize data views.
  • Access simple visualizations.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests for improvements or fixes.


This project is under the MIT License.


We're grateful to the open-source community for making ConsoleTrader possible.

Elevate your market insights with ConsoleTrader - simplifying stock exploration through the command line.