
parse golang bin

Primary LanguagePython

0x0 goparse

parse golang bin

0x1 use

IDA:Alt+F7,choose main.py

You will get a global variable firstmodule,script will parse moduledata、pcHeader、funcinfo、typelinks、itablinks。

1.1 Get funcinfo

#func_addr is int

1.2 Get type

parsed_types = firstmoduledata.typelinks.parsed_types
#type_addr is int
some_type = parsed_types[<type_addr>]
# if name is start with '#' means this type is exported
#because if type is exported,type'nams will start with one '*'
#if ptr type is not exported,its name will also start with one '*'
#so if type's name start with only one '*',can't confirm this type is exported or just is ptr type which is not exported。
#therefor change '*' to '#' if type is exported

1.2.1 Struct

#some_type.get_kind() == "Struct"

#show struct define like go and know the offset

#generate struct in IDA

1.3 parse typelink

structs = firstmodule.rtypes['Struct']
structs['#http.Client']  #if name is same,just get the last one,or you can get struct with its addr