
Documentação da linguagem Swift traduzida do inglês para o português.

Primary LanguageCSS

Swift Book

Esse projeto tem como objetivo traduzir e disponibilizar gratuitamente em português o livro The Swift Programming Language (swift 5.3).


Acesse o guia CONTRIBUTING.md e saiba como ajudar com a tradução!


O livro em inglês está lentamente sendo migrado para o formato de Markdown antes de ser traduzido. A seguintes Sessões já estão em formato Markdown e já podem ser traduzidas através de Pull Requests:

  • About Swift
  • Version Compatibility
  • A Swift Tour
  • Language Guide
    • The Basics
    • Basic Operators
    • Strings And Characters
    • Collection Types
    • Control Flow
      • Intro
      • For-In Loops
      • While Loops
      • Conditional Statements
      • Control Transfer Statements
      • Early Exit
      • Checking API Availability
    • Functions
      • Intro
      • Defining and Calling Functions
      • Function Parameters and Return Values
      • Function Argument Labels and Parameter Names
      • Function Types
      • Nested Functions
    • Closures
    • Enumerations
    • Structures and Classes
      • Intro
      • Comparing Structures and Classes
      • Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types
      • Classes Are Reference Types
    • Properties
    • Methods
      • Intro
      • Instance Methods
      • Type Methods
    • Subscripts
      • Intro
      • Subscript Syntax
      • Subscript Usage
      • Subscript Options
      • Type Subscripts
    • Inheritance
      • Intro
      • Defining a Base Class
      • Subclassing
      • Overriding
      • Preventing Overrides
    • Initialization
      • Intro
      • Setting Initial Values for Stored Properties
      • Customizing Initialization
      • Default Initializers
      • Initializer Delegation for Value Types
      • Class Inheritance and Initialization
      • Failable Initializers
      • Required Initializers
      • Setting a Default Property Value with a Closure or Function
    • Deinitialization
      • Intro
      • How Deinitialization Works
      • Deinitializers in Action
    • Optional Chaining
      • Intro
      • Optional Chaining as an Alternative to Forced Unwrapping
      • Defining Model Classes for Optional Chaining
      • Accessing Properties Through Optional Chaining
      • Calling Methods Through Optional Chaining
      • Accessing Subscripts Through Optional Chaining
      • Linking Multiple Levels of Chaining
      • Chaining on Methods with Optional Return Values
    • Error Handling
      • Intro
      • Representing and Throwing Errors
      • Handling Errors
      • Specifying Cleanup Actions
    • Type Casting
      • Intro
      • Defining a Class Hierarchy for Type Casting
      • Checking Type
      • Downcasting
      • Type Casting for Any and AnyObject
      • Downcasting
    • Nested Types
      • Intro
      • Nested Types in Action
      • Referring to Nested Types
    • Extensions
      • Intro
      • Extension Syntax
      • Computed Properties
      • Initializers
      • Methods
      • Subscripts
      • Nested Types
    • Protocols
      • Intro
      • Protocol Syntax
      • Property Requirements
      • Method Requirements
      • Mutating Method Requirements
      • Initializer Requirements
      • Protocols as Types
      • Delegation
      • Adding Protocol Conformance with an Extension
      • Adopting a Protocol Using a Synthesized Implementation
      • Collections of Protocol Types
      • Protocol Inheritance
      • Class-Only Protocols
      • Protocol Composition
      • Checking for Protocol Conformance
      • Optional Protocol Requirements
      • Protocol Extensions
    • Generics
    • Opaque Types
      • Intro
      • The Problem That Opaque Types Solve
      • Returning an Opaque Type
      • Differences Between Opaque Types and Protocol Types
    • Automatic Reference Counting
      • Intro
      • How ARC Works
      • ARC in Action
      • Strong Reference Cycles Between Class Instances
      • Resolving Strong Reference Cycles Between Class Instances
      • Strong Reference Cycles for Closures
      • Resolving Strong Reference Cycles for Closures
    • Memory Safety
      • Intro
      • Understanding Conflicting Access to Memory
      • Conflicting Access to In-Out Parameters
      • Conflicting Access to self in Methods
      • Conflicting Access to Properties
    • Access Control
      • Intro
      • Modules and Source Files
      • Access Levels
      • Access Control Syntax
      • Custom Types
      • Subclassing
      • Constants, Variables, Properties, and Subscripts
      • Initializers
      • Protocols
      • Extensions
      • Generics
      • Type Aliases
    • Advanced Operators
      • Intro
      • Bitwise Operators
      • Overflow Operators
      • Precedence and Associativity
      • Operator Methods
      • Custom Operators
  • Reference Manual
    • About The Language Reference
    • Lexical Structure
      • Intro
      • Whitespace and Comments
      • Identifiers
      • Keywords and Punctuation
      • Literals
      • Operators
    • Types
      • Intro
      • Type Annotation
      • Type Identifier
      • Tuple Type
      • Function Type
      • Array Type
      • Dictionary Type
      • Optional Type
      • Implicitly Unwrapped Optional Type
      • Protocol Composition Type
      • Opaque Type
      • Metatype Type
      • Self Type
      • Type Inheritance Clause
      • Type Inference
    • Expressions
      • Intro
      • Prefix Expressions
      • Binary Expressions
      • Primary Expressions
      • Postfix Expressions
    • Statements
      • Intro
      • Loop Statements
      • Branch Statements
      • Labeled Statement
      • Control Transfer Statements
      • Defer Statement
      • Do Statement
      • Compiler Control Statements
      • Availability Condition
    • Declarations
      • Intro
      • Top-Level Code
      • Code Blocks
      • Import Declaration
      • Constant Declaration
      • Variable Declaration
      • Type Alias Declaration
      • Function Declaration
      • Enumeration Declaration
      • Structure Declaration
      • Class Declaration
      • Protocol Declaration
      • Initializer Declaration
      • Deinitializer Declaration
      • Extension Declaration
      • Subscript Declaration
      • Operator Declaration
      • Precedence Group Declaration
      • Declaration Modifiers
    • Attributes
      • Intro
      • Declaration Attributes
      • Type Attributes
      • Switch Case Attributes
    • Patterns
      • Intro
      • Wildcard Pattern
      • Identifier Pattern
      • Value-Binding Pattern
      • Tuple Pattern
      • Enumeration Case Pattern
      • Optional Pattern
      • Type-Casting Patterns
      • Expression Pattern
    • Generic Parameters and Arguments
      • Intro
      • Generic Parameter Clause
      • Generic Argument Clause