- 5
- 6
Add pure gamma 2.2 display to ACES configs
#56 opened by sharktacos - 0
- 1
How to handle file assets where the color space metadata is set to Unknown
#131 opened by doug-walker - 1
Output sRGB, and similar are they gone?
#90 opened by Pixel-Minions - 0
Built-in Transforms should be used when available
#103 opened by doug-walker - 0
Update p3d65 aliases
#134 opened by doug-walker - 0
Add a virtual_display to the ACES configs
#133 opened by doug-walker - 6
- 3
Missing encoding attribute for some color spaces
#123 opened by doug-walker - 2
Make the display color spaces active
#124 opened by doug-walker - 3
Add support for Apple Log
#120 opened by rkmolholm - 1
Add configs for ACES 2.0
#128 opened by doug-walker - 5
[ENHANCEMENT]: Include HDR Output Transforms in the views list for Display P3
#112 opened by nick-shaw - 17
Please add spaces such as *Adobe RGB*, *Prophoto RGB* (RIMM/ROMM), *Widegamut RGB*, etc...
#113 opened by ssh4net - 1
- 0
Unit Testing & Tests
#35 opened by KelSolaar - 0
Implement support for "Leica" L-Log.
#53 opened by KelSolaar - 12
Collated Feedback from the Studio Config
#67 opened by KelSolaar - 1
About a Configurable Separator for Aliases
#77 opened by KelSolaar - 14
DisplayViewTransforms for output?
#82 opened by sharktacos - 3
Implement support for Sony S-Log2.
#95 opened by KelSolaar - 4
- 0
- 1
Description of gamma named transforms is inverted
#111 opened by doug-walker - 1
Add typing annotations to the repo.
#114 opened by KelSolaar - 2
Not all config files work in UE 4.27.2
#83 opened by RSN4D - 1
2023-08 release planning
#102 opened by doug-walker - 1
- 2
Inactive color space list is incorrect
#88 opened by doug-walker - 8
- 14
Revisit role assignments
#61 opened by doug-walker - 7
Implement support for Canon C-Log2.
#87 opened by sharktacos - 2
ACES Whitepoint is not D60
#98 opened by KelSolaar - 10
Adding P3-D65 (aka DisplayP3) gamut support
#97 opened by hpd - 2
Add a texture category
#101 opened by doug-walker - 1
Fix matte_paint and texture_paint role assignments
#107 opened by carolalynn - 1
file_rules: defines a default rule using color-space 'ACES2065-1' that does not match the default role 'sRGB - Texture'
#79 opened by ggarra13 - 2
- 1
Add an sRGB - ACEScg texture space.
#65 opened by KelSolaar - 12
- 1
help a demo .
#42 opened by luoww1992 - 1
Add aliases to the configs
#44 opened by doug-walker - 0
- 1
- 0
- 3
invoke build-config-reference errors out
#27 opened - 0
"jsonpickle" should be an optional dependency.
#28 opened by KelSolaar - 0
README invoke argument incorrect
#26 opened - 2
Docker build error: pygraphviz
#24 opened