

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Euphartes Stats Dune Dashboard

query management for https://dune.com/euphrates/euphrates-stats


Generate an API key from your Dune account and put that in both your .env file and github action secrets (name it DUNE_API_KEY). You can create a key under your Dune team settings. The api key must be from a plus plan for this repo to work.

You'll need python and pip installed to run the script commands. If you don't have a package manager set up, then use either conda or poetry . Then install the required packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Query Management Scripts

Script Action Command
pull_from_dune.py updates/adds queries to your repo based on ids in queries.yml python scripts/pull_from_dune.py
push_to_dune.py updates queries to Dune based on files in your /queries folder python scripts/push_to_dune.py
preview_query.py gives you the first 20 rows of results by running a query from your /queries folder. Specify the id. This uses Dune API credits python scripts/preview_query.py 2615782
upload_to_dune.py uploads/updates any tables from your /uploads folder. Must be in CSV format, and under 200MB. python scripts/upload_to_dune.py

Things to be aware of

💡: Names of queries are pulled into the file name the first time pull_from_dune.py is run. Changing the file name in app or in folder will not affect each other (they aren't synced). Make sure you leave the ___id.sql at the end of the file, otherwise the scripts will break!

🟧: Make sure to leave in the comment -- already part of a query repo at the top of your file. This will hopefully help prevent others from using it in more than one repo.

🔒: Queries must be owned by the team the API key was created under - otherwise you won't be able to update them from the repo.

âž•: If you want to add a query, add it in Dune app first then pull the query id (from URL dune.com/queries/{id}/other_stuff) into queries.yml

🛑: If you accidently merge a PR or push a commit that messes up your query in Dune, you can roll back any changes using query version history.