
A collection of functions / shortcodes to make writing custom forms in worpdress easier

Primary LanguagePHP


WP-form-helper is a collection of functions / shortcodes that make creating forms in wordpress content easier for me. These are not a fully formed package, but rather a collection of utilities that I have been reusing for a couple years.


Creates form components:

  • that render to html
  • can perform basic validation on themselves
  • labels
  • add programatic classes based on type and validity
  • persist their values automatically across form posts / fill from the request based on name.

Form controls

  • [input]
  • [password]
  • [checkbox]
  • [textarea]
  • [radio]
  • [bool_radio] - a pair of radio buttons makeing a yes/no selector
  • [option] - options for a select box


  • [if test="beforeDate('1/1/2014')"]hidden stuff[/if]
  • CANNOT BE NESTED! if you need to nest it you will need to create [if2] style shortcodes (this is a wordpress limitation)