A Xilinx App Store Product Page is generated automatically from two kind of input files:
- A Definition File
- A set of Instructions Files
A Yaml file containing business and marketing information about your application
You can find the template in template/vendor-name_app-name/vendor-name_app-name.yaml
Replace strings "vendor-name" and "app-name" 1.1 In the file names 1.2 In paths 1.3 In content of this file
Fill the "Application Summary" section 2.1 Replace "TODO" strings
Fill the "Deployment Options" section 3.1 Replace "TODO" strings
Fill the "Running the Application" section 4.1 Replace the content between '"' by Markdown text
Do not edit or change the following sections: 5.1 "Try or Buy CTA URLs" 5.2 "Test Drive"
Provide assets to your Accelize FAE: 6.1 Logo picture, Embeded Video, Solution Brief, User Guide, ...
Markdown files describing the step-by-step instruction to run the docker application (one file per target environment)
You can find two template here:
- Alveo: template/vendor-name_app-name/instructions/alveo_u200.md
- AWS F1: template/vendor-name_app-name/instructions/aws_f1.md
Use Markdown in these files.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language based on the formatting conventions that people naturally use in email.
Read More: Markdown Cheat Sheet
You can find example Definition and Instruction file here: examples/xilinx_vitisai
That generates the following Product page on the Xilinx App Store: Xilinx App Store - Vitis AI v1.4
Once updated, please share the Product Page Definition and instructions files within a .zip or .tar.gz/.tgz archive with following hierarchy:
📦 vendor-name_app-name.tar.gz
- 📁 vendor-name_app-name
- 📁 assets
- 🖼 logo.png
- 🖼 app_screenshot_1.png
- 📝 solution_brief.pdf
- 📝 user_guide.pdf
- 📁 instructions
- 📝 target-platform_1.md
- 📝 target-platform_2.md
- 📝 vendor-name_app-name.yaml
- 📁 assets